
Women’s Circle – How You Doin’?

Monday, Nov 6, 2023


JSC Home Studio
I mean, seriously, how are you doing? It’s been awhile since we checked in and supported one another. We’ve been through a lot! Remember the calendar I shared years ago, with the years broken down on the evolution of our chakras? We now understand this even more deeply as the evolution of our energetic bodies. When we first discussed it, we thought there would need to be big changes to make those big energetic shifts. Oh boy! My follow up to you, 7-8 years later, is what we’ve gone through anything like what you thought might happen? I want to go back to the conversation and talk in hind site, and then talk about what’s still coming.
You in?

Wisdom Keeper Circles – January and February 2022

Our January 3rd Circle is all about setting our course for 2022! Barb and I will be guiding you through pulling intentional wisdom and tarot cards for each month of the year 2022. You may use your own cards, or you can borrow a deck from Barb or myself. Depending on the state of the virus spread will determine if we meet in person or not, but a virtual Circle is ALWAYS an option for everyone. This year, we will be building on YOUR intuitive abilities. Many of you are already aware of an increase in your “just knowing” things, and that is the energy we are in and will continue to dive deeper into, as we navigate into this Age of Aquarius, which will last long after we are gone. In fact, we, as Wisdom Keepers, are showing the little ones and our more skeptical loved ones how to flow with the energy and discover their own intuitive gifts. It’s an exciting! don’t let the drama of politics or pandemics get you down, as these events are just showing us WHY the World we once thought we knew isn’t exactly what we thought, and there is a BETTER World waiting for us – a World of LOVE! Are you ready to move deeper into your heart to assist your spouse, children and little ones into that vibe of LOVE? Then YOU are a Wisdom Keeper! watch for more information about the January Circle on Facebook, or message me directly.
Our February Circle will most likely be VIRTUAL only, which is nice during our Minnesota winter!

2020 – A Calling of the Wisdom Keepers

The focus for our Circles in 2020 is shifting from one of passive learner to active learner and teacher. In these prophetic times, we are coming into our power; the power of the crone, the power of the grandmothers. the power of the wisdom keepers. Our circles will be dedicated to a shared responsibility to teach and learn from one another. What we are doing is listening to our own internal voice that connects us to the Divine, and sharing our wisdom with others. We will be discerning about the information gathered. Some will resonate, and some will not. It doesn’t matter if some information doesn’t resonate. All information comes through to us at the level we are ready to receive it.

We are the Ones we have been waiting for. All along, the wisdom was within us, ready to be tapped and shared with those who are just beginning their journey.

Chilla (Jill) will be calling in her own wisdom keepers, including Queen, the Sleeping Dragon who lives in her woods, to guide and direct the circles.

Circles meet the first Monday of the month, unless otherwise noted.

rise up, shanti shiva, rise up!

Now is the time!

Monday, December 21, 2020 Wisdom Keeper’s Circle (2 parts!)

LIVE in Jill’s Outdoor Woods  or LIVE on Facebook Wisdom Circle (Private Group) page
4:15pm Winter Solstice Ceremony Circle with Barb and Jill
6:30pm Astrology and Energy Update with Jill LIVE on the Wisdom Circle  (Private Group) page
(Both events will remain up on the page if you are unable to join us at the designated times.)
Winter Solstice
Marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. The Earth is tilted as far as possible away from the Sun.
The Winter Solstice marks the ‘birth’ of the Sun as the days now begin to grow longer.
The birth of the new Sun is like a new chapter, a new day, as we approach the New Year, we enter with new dreams and ideas, we are reaching an end and beginning anew.

Winter is a time for resting and dreaming, a time to recharge or Spirits, so rest is vital and nurturing to grow these dreams (the seeds of new life) into reality in the months to come.  It is a great time for manifesting. Drawing quite literally, creating a vision on what could bring dreams to life.

Embrace the stillness of winter, where here in our climate everything looks dead and frozen, yet deep within there is an beginning of an unfoldment.
Our Monday night Circle is split into two parts. For those wishing to join us in ceremony at Jill’s home, we will be outside the entire time, masks required, and Barb will lead us in ceremony to celebrate the winter solstice. At 4:15, we will walk into the woods, ringing bells in celebration.
We will clear the space near Queen, our Dragon Spirit who lives in the woods, with sage, and then Barb will begin the invocation. We will offer our gifts to Queen and the elementals in the woods, and then we will close the ceremony.
Sunset is at 4:32, and twilight is at 5:06.
The group will disperse after the ceremony. All of this will take place LIVE in the Wisdom Circle private page, and it will remain there for those unable to join us at that time.
In addition, Jill will come back LIVE to the Wisdom Circle page at 6:30 to provide an astrology and energy update, followed by a Dragon Journey Yoga Nidra.
If you chose to participate in the Winter Solstice Circle, please grab some bells to ring. If you choose to make an offering, let it be of Earth materials to be in keeping with the natural world. For instance, Jill intends to make a hand-sized bouquet of greens. Stones are another offering. Herbs as well.
For those of us participating from home, you may also have your bells handy, and you can also create an offering to put alongside a tree or sacred space outside your home.
RSVP if you intend to join us, physically, for the Winter Solstice Ceremony Circle.
If you enjoy the Circle, feel free to leave us a love donation. It is not expected, but much appreciated, if you feel your time spent was valuable.
Jill’s Online Payment Options
You can pay me through Square at
You can pay me through PayPal at Jill Sand
You can pay me through Venmo at Jill Sand @Jill-Sand If you need my last four digits of my phone number, enter 9396.
You can pay me through Zelle at Jeffrey Sand email
Barb’s Online Payment Options
venmo @Barbara-DeMers-2
September 21 Wisdom Keepers Circle
Hello Friends of Light!
We hope to find you well as we navigate through this 6th month of Covid-19, which has affected us all, profoundly or maybe not as profound as others. For us, the pandemic has offered us opportunities to change up our routines, at first forced upon us but, as we moved through the pandemic, we saw the opportunities it presented to step back, re-evaluate, and bravely move forward into what I (Jill) have called the New World. Have you seen opportunities present themselves to you over the past few months? How ARE you doing?
Barb and I have decided to expand our previously separate circles to create one big circle, which we will be hosting on Zoom for the foreseeable future. The Wisdom Keepers Circles will start as a once a month event, and then move into twice a month during the winter season. We invite you to join us! These Circles are for you and about you, to expand your awareness, and connect with like minded individuals.
You may wish to mark your calendars for these tentative Monday dates, and all times are 6:30pm
September 21
October 12
November 2 and 16
December 7 and 21
January 4 and 18
February 1 and 15
March 15
April 5 and 19
May 3 and 17
Our first topic for September goes back to our topic for last February 2020, when we asked those attending to consider what their word for the year might be. Those attending wrote our words on a stone. 
      Jill’s Word for 2020                                                Barb’s Word for 2020
How prophetic these words are, in retrospect! Did you have a word that came to you as we moved into 2020? Do you have a word now that continues to repeat in your mind and heart, representing 2020?
This is our topic for discussion in September! What is the message we are receiving during the pandemic? How does this relate to WHO WE ARE? What is the greater purpose for this pandemic? How can we keep ourselves in a higher frequency as we navigate through the rest of 2020 and possibly into 2021 before an effective treatment or vaccine is available for our most sensitive populations?
As always, Barb and I delve DEEP into our Higher Selves to provide you with information that resonates with us. And as always, you contribute to the discussion to open our paradigms even more! We are all being downloaded information about the PURPOSE for the pandemic. Some of us tune in more easily than others, but we are all receiving messages. During our Circle, you can expect even more information to come in. We will SHARE.
Barb has provided the LINK to the meeting here:
Barbara DeMers is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting
Time: Sep 21, 2020 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 0248 4947
One tap mobile
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Meeting ID: 874 0248 4947
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Please let us know if you are able to attend the September 21 6:30pm Wisdom Keeper’s Circle. All are welcome!
Holding you in the Light of Transformation,
Barb and Jill
May 4, 2020 Wisdom Keepers Circle


When the Wisdom Keepers first met in February, we recognized our individual word for the year. We discussed the energies for the coming year. We knew the year was going to be pivotal to create a New Earth. We just had no idea how. Even in our discussion at the March Circle, we knew change was coming, just not how it would appear.

As the pandemic unfolded around us, affecting everyone, we started to understand how THIS was the moment we had been waiting for. How else could the Mother Earth and the Creator of All shift things without creating such a stir across the World?

We are learning so much in our contemplation, our meditations, our prayers. It’s time to come together, Wisdom Keepers!

We will schedule either an outdoor socially distanced gathering, if allowed, or meet via Microsoft Teams. We’ll leave that decision for a closer date, but I’d like to know who’s in, especially if we meet virtually.

I see you. I feel your Wisdom. I recognize your Compassion for the World. Let’s gain more insight together as we share what we know to be True. 💓

April 1, 2019 Circle – ReLOVEution:

The Big “Battle:” 

I vs We vs Be


Love donations accepted

Whether we feel ready for it or not, the movement of Uranus into Taurus is setting us up for revolution through 2026. If you’ve been attending Circles with me for awhile, you know the significance of 2026, when all Earthly inhabitants will be in the higher energies. It’s been a process that started years ago, and timelines sped up, perhaps to match the Universal energies of this particular transit? No one can say for sure, but the synchronicity (every day miracle) of what the sages said, the scientists confirm in measuring Earth’s energetic field, and what astrology predicts are aligning into a big battle. We are watching it play out in politics, facts vs fake news, weather changes, pharmaceutical battles, and other big topics being played out on social media. 

It really doesn’t matter the issue. If it takes you to a place of “I,” I want… I think… I believe… then you are part of that battle.

The real reLOVEution is coming, and will be played out during this Uranus in Taurus transit, which ends in 2026. By then, we will all be in the space of “We.” Whatever comes from the reLOVEution, that will be where we end up. How you decide to play this out in your own life is truly up to you. 

In our Circle, we will talk about our choices for I, We, or even, Be, which takes us so very deep into the Truth of All That Is. 💓

Does this sound like a conversation you’re ready to have? Then come join us!

Circle: BE READY! (For the Calling of Your Soul)
Monday, April 2, 2018


A few months ago, I had a dream that woke me up with the message, “Be Ready.” It included an image like the one shown here that I created. I wasn’t exactly sure what the message meant, but I knew it was directed toward a change. The changes are upon us in 2018, and this is THE time for readiness.

As many of you know, I have a deep connection with Mary Magdalene that goes back to my growing up and attending the Catholic School. Mary has channeled messages through me for the past few years when I realigned with her energy. I have learned to trust these messages because I see others getting the same messages. We are all connected in Divine Love and Spirit, and the messages being sent out are to awaken us to our shared goal of Peace on Earth.

Those who have come to our home understand right away that there is a magical energy on our property. I’ve been told the magic begins as people get closer to our home, and upon driving down the tree-lined driveway, you feel as though you have entered a sacred place. People who see energy gridlines have told me we have a powerful vortex in our backyard. I have felt the energy and even seen some interesting energies that have shown up on our cameras that weren’t visible to the naked eye. Not like the orbs, but distinct shapes and lines of energy. It’s all very magical!

I mention this because this month’s Circle discussion is about creating cities of Light in readiness for what’s to come. Here is how synchronicity occurs: while on my own retreat with a few friends the first week of March, we discussed my friend, Molly’s property and my own property as being special with expanded energies to allow us to get into the Higher Realms of Being. After I came home, I had a meditation that led me to post on March 8 AM, on my Jill Sand Consulting FB page, my declaration that my home was a safe haven for all seeking Truth and their own Spiritual growth. Later that night, another woman whom I follow who channels Mary Magdalene also posted that we are creating cities of Light. That’s how the Universe works. When you LISTEN to Universal messages and see repetition of those messages, then you know action is required.

Join me for a Circle of envisioning what it means to be part of a city of Light. Let’s discuss how we can add our energy to creating such cities. Why are we creating these cities? Well, we are asked to BE READY. For the changes. So be it.

In peace and love,

Love donations accepted.IMG_4848

*Teachings with Chilla

We are all searching for inspiration during these up and down times. For many years, I have been on my own journey of divine inspiration. I have prayed for guidance so that I am placed in a space that allows me to reach out to others to provide the tools for them to experience this same intention. Teaching yoga provided me the best space and place to help open hearts. Two years ago, this transformation accelerated significantly. At that time, the Master Teachers came forward and asked me to begin teaching off the mat as well as on the mat. They told me they call me Chilla (Chela is the correct spelling, but I heard it as Chilla – same pronunciation – and so it is). Chela means “devoted one.” In Sanskrit, Chela means “to serve; loyalty of the student to the teacher.” I have been offering examples for serving over the past couple years, as that has become a part of my own life purpose and journey. In addition, for years on our mats, we have worked with opening our heart center. As we do this, we expand the energy of the heart, thus expanding the energy of LOVE. The heart is our main tool for serving God, the Universe, all living beings.
Teachings with Chilla will assist our stepping forward with open hearts, opening us to more LOVE, so we can fully embrace the Truth of all humanity. YOUR ability to see this truth is needed profoundly. Your ability to hold this vibration is being called, that you might assist every heart to remember, that every heart may be honored, and that the minds of humankind may take their place in the service to the heart, in the service to Love. Each of you is called in your own unique way, and each of you knows that call intimately. Now the corner is turned and all who are called are asked to step forth, to hold to the Truth steadily and to broadcast the Truth of LOVE into the world, that every heart may claim it as their own, that every mind may now see clearly, that the whole of life on Earth may become a circle of giving, in which everything that is whole, and good, and perfect may be multiplied, and all the rest may fall away effortlessly.
As you see this world as it truly is, you will begin to find LOVE revealed everywhere you look. Suddenly LOVE is flowing. Every moment is filled with synchronicity. The vision of your heart is now visible before your eyes. For as you already know, that which you feel deep in your heart is that which becomes the manifested world as LOVE pours through you.
These hands that you have are meant to be used in service to LOVE. There is no need to seek your connection with God, or to raise your vibration, when you are anchored-up in the Truth of LOVE. It is time to let your light shine forth, time to be the visible open heart of God. It is time to answer your call to step forth and be that which lives within. You are ready. You have been for a while. But the waiting has been for the collective so that everyone is on board with their paths of service, that every heart may bloom and every mind be open and clear, until the gift of this life of awareness can be accepted and received.
(Credit given to
If this message speaks to you, please join us for these inspirational circles that are divinely received and meant to be shared with all who are ready to listen to their own Heart.
In loving peace and service,

Monday, March 6 Circle – Transforming the World, One Heart at a TimeBe Ready


Love donations accepted

In this Circle, we will connect our Hearts with a channeled message from Mother Mary. From there the discussion will be about our observations of our current times, and how we see these events as change agents for a peaceful, loving world. We will avoid the negative talk and instead focus our discussion on the creation of a beautiful world. It’s happening, right now! But sometimes we get stuck in the lower density and need to remind ourselves that we are creating that energy when we allow it to enter our energetic body. Following our discussion, I will share with you a powerful meditation that I have been using daily to keep me in the higher energies.

I hope you can join us for an empowering evening of raising our vibration and celebrating our NOW!

In loving service to you,


Amorgos Circle

February Circle – Empowerment Through Imagination

Monday, February 6, 2017; 6:30pm

Love Donations Accepted

This is a very important circle for those of us who are ready to release attachments to others’ personal growth and continue the work of our own personal growth! In the past couple of years, we have met to Hold the Space for ourselves and others who were going through their own personal growth spurts, with its’ starts and stutters. Now we are being led to get back on our own path, to literally step out of others’ paths and destinies and reclaim our own.

In this circle, we will go back to our roots, back to our childhood memories, and recall what brought us joy and excitement. It is in this remembering that we will be moving forward into our own power once more. If you are feeling drained energetically, like others have been siphoning your energy from you, this circle is for you. If you have said to yourself, “Enough is enough! Time for me!” then this circle is for you. If you have said, “I am using the lessons from 2015 and 2016 to step into my own power,” this circle is for you.

My mission is to offer YOU the tools to step into YOUR power. My own lessons in the past couple years have been about giving my power to others, and now having seen the clear path to gaining my power back, I have noticed the Universe once more open up for me and support me as I am EMPOWERED. I hope you’ll join me for this discussion!

Women’s Circle – Is Your Home Energetically Supporting or Depleting You?

Monday, December 5, 2016

$25 RSVP

We are beginning to understand the influence of the energy of our environments and more importantly, we are learning how to transform this energy through dowsing. Dowsing has been around for thousands of years and many cultures have used it to create a stronger connection with the earth’s vibrational field.

In this presentation, you will:

  • Gain an understanding of the 3 Levels of the Law of Attraction
  • Experience the energetic shift as the negative energy is cleared in the room
  • Learn about Geopathic Stress Lines, Interference lines and Negative Vortexes and how they impact the health of the people living and working in these energies
  • Learn an easy visualization that guarantees that you, too, can learn how to dowse
  • Practice dowsing with a pair of professional dowsing rods (dowsing rods will be provided)
  • Learn an easy space clearing technique for both yourself and your home

Join Annette Rugolo, Master Diamond Dowser, for this informative and experiential workshop and learn how you can transform the energy of your home through dowsing.

Annette Rugolo is an international teacher and consultant for clients and students in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia.  She started teaching transformational seminars in 1999 and has trained students in over 20 countries.  She is a Master Diamond Dowser and Master Inner Diamond Instructor, certified by Marie Diamond.

Her company, Conscious Life Resources, allows conscious resources to be available to everyone in the hope of creating a more enlightened, evolved and conscious world.

Annette lives with her husband, Tony, in Chaska, Minnesota and together they have 6 children and 8 grandchildren.

Universal Love Chakra Circle

Monday, November 7, 2016
6:30 – 8:00pm

In this Circle, we will learn about the Universal Love Chakra and identify where we might be at in the process of activating the chakra. Included in the Circle, we will work through a series of 8 different hand gestures to ignite all the chakras, including the Universal Love Chakra.

This Circle provides a gentle yoga practice which involves lifting the arms toward the sky and holding. Jill will offer modifications for those with shoulder issues.

Handouts are included. Space is limited to 15.

Please message me to sign up. Prepayment is encouraged to hold your space on the mat.

Cost is $15.

Women’s Circle – Faeries 101 with Vonne Jonsson

Monday, September 12, 2016

(NOTE: Second Monday of the month, due to the holiday)


From Vonne: Welcome to the circle. I will be teaching a beginning class about Faeries. This is a fun event where you learn to love the Fae Realm. Faeries are beautiful, loving beings who are here to walk with you on your journey. Learn how to communicate, welcome them to your home, care about them and food they enjoy. When your Faery knows you are welcoming them and you open the door for them….your knowledge of Faeries begins.

My name is Vonne Jonsson. I have been building houses for Faeries since I was 11 years old. I also channel Faeries and do Faery tours. I am a psychic, medium and animal communicator.This year I became a Faerieologist.

Join me for this fun adventure with the Faeries. Wearing wings and anything Faery is always welcome.

Love and light to each of you.

Women’s Circle – Mourning Light with Pat Sheveland

(includes book signing!)

Monday, August 1, 2016

$25 RSVP

Come and meet author Patricia (Pat) Sheveland for her book signing event for her recently released book: The Mourning’s Light: Life After Child Loss. Pat will share how two epiphanies in her life were the springboards for this book. Pat shares the impact of being born into a grieving family after the death of her brother six years prior to her birth. She also shares stories from other parents and siblings impacted by the death of a child. 25% of book proceeds will be donated to Children’s Grief Connection.

Monday, May 9 Circle – Enhance your Personal Essence with the Five Elements with Karen Larkin

RSVP $25

The Chinese Five Element Theory is at the heart of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Feng Shui.  It teaches that there is an energetic language of nature’s five life-forming elements: water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Each element represents a quality of cosmic energy and how it manifests in its physical form.

When we surround ourselves with clothing and furnishings in the element that is our essence, we vibrate at a higher frequency.  Thus, we have a feeling of harmony and alignment with who we truly are and knowing what innate talents we bring to the world to share.

This presentation will help you discover your element(s) and how to dress and furnish your home to reflect the “unique you” that you are.  Is your element Water… the creative deep thinker, or Wood… the competitive pioneer, or Fire… the excitement seeker, or Earth… the nurturing peacemaker, or Metal… the refined perfectionist?  Come join us and find out.

Karen Larkin has a BS in Interior Design from the University of Minnesota and a Black Sect Buddhist Feng Shui Certification from the Wind & Water School of Feng Shui in Minneapolis. Karen has also trained with Evana Maggiore in Fashion Feng Shui, a Chinese element approach to personal fashion, and with Karen Kingston in Sacred Space Clearing. She has over 25 years experience as a professional interior designer in both commercial and residential venues where she incorporates eastern energy philosophies into her design.

January Women’s Circle – Anointing the Goddesses

Monday, January 4
6:30 PM
Love Donation ONLY

2016 is considered a Goddess Year, that of restoring the feminine energy on the planet. The feminine energy is needed to balance out the masculine energy that has been causing much division and over-use of power on the planet for over 3000 years, but which has really ramped up in recent years. One cannot blame any political party or country or religion for this ramping of energy. Those are contributing factors toward what is necessary to clean the planet to lift us all into the higher vibrations that are coming in, beginning with the portal of 12/12 (December 12) through 12/22 (Winter Solstice).

These portals will continue opening at the beginning of January, and we’ll see little bursts of portal openings throughout the year. These portals are necessary to help all of us ease into the higher energies. If you are not aligned with your Truth, which I call Dharmic Living, you may experience physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual dis-ease. This information was shared with us at the December Circle with Shaman Laurie Wondra, and it coincides with the information I received about January’s Circle needing to be one of recognizing and ANOINTING those of us wishing to be the bearers of Peace in the coming year.

Being a bearer of Peace means that we act in peaceful responses toward world problems. We become the peacekeepers of the planet. That is the Goddess energy! We have been moving to this space since the dawning of the Age of Aquarius (it wasn’t just a song!). We are now IN the Age of Aquarius, and if our energy is not aligned, it can feel painful or even depressing for us.

2016 is also a Year of Action, and we are being called to ACT as peacekeepers, as Goddesses. In this Circle, we will celebrate a simple ritual to welcome you into the role of peacekeeper, the Anointing of the Goddesses. This was a message given to me a few weeks ago, and the ritual is being shown to me in bits and pieces, with the culmination at the January Circle!

I hope you will join me for this very sacred ceremony and recognize the Goddess that you already are!

March Circle – Meditation Circle with Pat Sheveland

Monday, March 7
$25 reserves your place

Pat will be leading us in a guided meditation which includes Frankincense, soft belly breathing, some dancing meditation, followed by a guided imagery meditation which will help us step into our inner goddess/female energy and open up the Universal Love, Spiritual Communication and Ultimate Being chakras which reside outside the body’s seven main chakras.

Check out Pat’s video here:

June 6 Circle – Making Affirmations Work Through EFT Tapping with Julie Jacky

6:30 PM

$30 RSVP

So many of us use affirmations for realizing our dreams and wishes.  We repeat our affirmations over and over, knowing the Law of Attraction should give us the desired results. But there are times when we are not seeing the results of our affirmations. Try as we might, they just don’t seem to work, and we can’t figure out why.  So we try harder.  Maybe we aren’t saying the affirmation enough times.  Maybe we are doing something wrong.

What the secret that no one told us is — our subconscious minds have many hidden beliefs that are running the show behind the scenes.  It’s literally not your fault! You didn’t know that your subconscious mind is running the show.

There is good news! There is a way to uncover and clear out the hidden beliefs.  We can clear out the hidden beliefs through the use of EFT/Tapping.  When we tap on the hidden beliefs behind the affirmations, we can clear out what is holding us back.  Then the affirmations will work, and the things we’ve been wanting to attract into our lives will start to show up.

Money Coach, Speaker and Certified EFT Practitioner, Julie Jacky specializes in helping people through their money blocks and challenges. In her workshops and individual sessions she merges her passions of practical applications, intuition and EFT/Tapping with a systematic approach to help you uncover hidden beliefs that are holding you back.

November Women’s Circle – Intuition and Goddess Energy

Monday, November 2
Love Donation
What is your relationship with your intuition? What is your knowledge of Goddess Energy? Why should we be discussing this before the New Year? How will this knowledge prepare us for a Year of Action in 2016? In this Circle, we will discuss these questions and then practice listening to our own intuition with the aid of pulling a Goddess card. You’ll be given a handout at the end of the Circle for ways to work with your own intuition. Love donation only.

December Women’s Circle – Laurie Wondra, Guest Speaker!

Monday, December 7
$25; please RSVP

Laurie Wondra is a Shaman, channeler, energy worker, and teacher who uses her gifts to help people connect with their loved ones, Angels and guides. Her ability to tune in to the varying frequencies of the Universe allow her to share this information and insight about past, present and future.
Laurie will be leading a discussion regarding what to expect for the coming year, with a message from the Angels on the New Year. At the end of the Circle, she will open the energy up to any individual messages that may come up for those attending.
Cost for this Circle is $25. Please RSVP.  

September Women’s Circle – Balance in a Year of Self-Care

Monday, September 14
6:30 pm
Love Donation
RSVP by September 11

The topic for September’s Circle in this Year of Transformation is Balance. For this Circle, and into the fall, we will be taking on a theme and holding space for open discussion on that theme. I will be facilitating the discussion, but the Circles are offered to provide you a chance to develop your own intuition through discussion. All thoughts and beliefs are honored in the Circle.

Monday, October 5 – Forgiveness

May and June, 2015 Women’s Circles

May 4 – Dr. Beth Westie, Women’s Health and Nutrition

6:30-7:30PM with time for questions afterward

$25 per person

Here is a list of some of the topics being covered:

  • Women’s hormones and how to use them for weight loss.
  • Why your old weight loss plan doesn’t work for you after menopause.
  • How the current nutrition recommendations came to be and why they aren’t make for women.
  • How stress can stop your metabolism in its tracks and how to get it running again.

Doctor Beth Westie was born and raised on a small goat farm in Eagan Minnesota. After collecting a pair of state volleyball titles as an Eagan Wildcat, her sights turned to higher education in the form of the NMU Wildcat. Being the recipient of a full athletic and academic scholarship to Northern Michigan University, Dr. Westie was able to combine her love of sport alongside her passion for women’s health. Upon graduating NMU with a bachelor’s in biology and physiology, the blossoming massage therapist promptly enrolled in the chiropractic program at Minnesota’s Northwestern Health Sciences University. Only after becoming a mother of two (now 3), a certified acupuncturist, and a Doctor of Chiropractic, could she finally focus on a career path. It wasn’t until then, that her passion for women’s health and wellness could awaken and transform the lives of women around the world.

Through years of educational and professional experience, Dr. Westie has revolutionized the future of women’s workouts. Simply by listening to the individuals’ body, and recognizing that each woman has different cyclic needs, we have been able to achieve lasting weight loss results.

June 1Susie Nell Kleppe, Faeriologist


$25 per person

As with all Faerie energy, this Circle will be both fun and whimsical! Please join me in welcoming Susie to our outdoor faerie realm! Susie will help us to see and feel the faerie energy around us. After a brief slide show, she will lead the group in a Faerie Tree guided meditation. We’ll play a little Faerie game, and then Susie will offer individual Faerie readings from her divination cards.

Susie will have available for purchase faerie garden supplies to make your own gardens. She is also available by appointment for more in-depth faerie readings. You can arrange that with Susie after our Circle.

Susie Nell Kleppe has had a lifelong interest in and love for fairies. Growing up she spent a good deal of her time outdoors enjoying nature and playing with fairies in her “imagination.” Now that she is retired she has set her mind to finding out “everything there is to know about fairies” by becoming a Faeriologist. She loves to share her findings every chance she gets! In her local Twin Cities area, you can find her at a variety of Expos and craft fairs helping people make miniature fairy gardens and doing fairy card readings. She often calls upon the assistance of her Facebook group, “Friends of the Faeriologist and gets some great advice from her two granddaughters, Amelia and Elise. She lives in Burnsville, MN with her husband of 40 years, Roger. You can check out her website at and read her blog at and of course “like” her FaceBook page, “Susie’s Faeries, a Faeriologist by trade.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday, March 3 – Laurie Wondra is back for a Women’s Circle!

Laurie is an extremely gifted medium and channel who receives messages from our loved ones who have crossed over as well as from our angels and guides who work with us from the other side. Laurie will be sharing with us the importance of the Spring Equinox as well as connecting us with our loved ones. She is bringing some powders to share as well!

Cost for Women’s Circle is $25

December 8 Women’s Circle – Your Doorway to Astrology

Women’s Circle – Your Doorway to Astrology

Monday, December 8


Join guest speaker Heather Roan Robbins as she shares an introductory lesson on astrology. Following this introduction, she will be provide individual readings for your own personal astrological chart reading! You’ll want to bring your phone along so you can record the session.

I had the opportunity to hear Heather speak a few weeks ago, followed by a 30-minute private session in which she read my chart and the charts of my husband and sons. I was truly blown away by the accuracy of the information that she shared, and it also offered me insight into my relationships with my sons and husband. Very much an opportunity for personal growth for me. Heather uses both the charts and intuition for her readings.

This special event is just $35. This price includes handouts from her introductory session, a handout of your own personal chart with information printed out, as well as your private reading (approximately 7 minutes), which you can record to go back and listen to it afterward. The Circle is limited to 12 people because of the individual sessions included. Pre-payment is required.

Heather would like your full name, birth date, and time of birth (if known). She will be completing your chart before the Circle.

Saturday, September 20

September 20 – Fall Equinox Peace and Grace Yoga Class

8:30 – 10:30 AM

We will welcome the Fall Equinox by creating our own Peace pole!

The morning will start with our painting our poles white. Then we will have a 75 minute yoga class, and follow it up with writing on our posts.

Cost is $35, which includes all supplies and the yoga class.

July and August Women’s Circles!

July Women’s Circle – BE Creative! Get Your Hippie on Tie-dying Event!

Hi ladies, I have a ton of tie-dye paint that should get used, and so I’m offering a tie-dye event after Yoga Grace class on Tuesday, July 15, at 7:30 pm!

I’ll have all the materials ready, so it shouldn’t take long. You’ll leave your tanks with me so that I can set the paint before washing it, so you can pick them up on Thursday, over the weekend, or on the following Tuesday, all washed and ready to wear!

Depending on the number of participants, this event will only take 30-60 minutes (sharing supplies time included). ALL SUPPLIES ARE INCLUDED!

Date: Tuesday, July 15

Time: 7:30 pm

Cost: $40 for JSC White Tank top AND Tie-dyecare (if you already bought a JSC tank, you can get this one for only $15, bringing the cost down to $35)

$20 to bring your own tank/ top to tie-dye and follow-up care

RSVP by Monday, July 14!

Monday, August 4 Circle – Angel Intuitives Molly Friedenfeld & Cynthia Shepherd

I am so excited to welcome Molly and Cynthia to Jill Sand Consulting’s August Circle! This Circle has double impact for attendees! Molly will be offering a Circle on working with our Angels to learn our life purpose and to bring our Soul’s mission to Earth. As she is speaking and connecting with each of us, both as a group and individually, Cynthia will use her intuitive gifts to create beautifully artistic oil pastel drawings representing YOUR life’s purpose.

Because of the short time frame, Cynthia is only able to create 10 Soul Artistry messages, (pre-payment is encouraged to guarantee a personal drawing). From attendees who have participated in Molly and Cynthia classes previously, this is a remarkable event that you won’t want miss out on!

Monday, August 4, 2014

6:30 – 8:00 PM Molly

8:00 – 9:00 PM Those wanting a Soul Artistry message will be staying longer, as Cynthia sits down with each individual and explains their personalized drawing. Others are welcome to stay as Molly will also be available to answer Angel questions of the group at this time.

SPECIAL NOTE: Cynthia’s schedule is filled, but I can add you to a waiting list. If someone doesn’t show up that evening, we’ll move to the next person on the list!

Cost: Circle Only $30

Soul Artistry Message an additional $25 (Pre-payment is encouraged to ensure that you are one of the limited number of people receiving these drawings. Please email me at for the address to send your check or cash payment.)

Molly Friedenfeld — Teacher of Light, Author, and Radio Show Host (Molly’s website)

Molly will also have her book, The Book of Simple Human Truths – Inspiration, Love, & Wisdom available for sale $20 optional

Do you want to know in your heart that you are never left to wander alone? Angels are in place to flow us love and give us the gift of peace in the heart. Molly will show you how to create the connection with your Angels so you can begin communicating with them every day!

In this Circle:·Understand Angel signs, symbols, numbers, & messages

Find how to get on your life purpose path and bring your Soul’s mission toEarth by following your intuition & Angel guidance

Learn how Angels inspire us to remain joyful and help us expand the heart to spread goodness in the world

Discover the significance of your name and why it contains energetic clues as to why you are here on earth at this time

Become a beacon of light in the world for others!

Cynthia Shepherd — Artist, Intuitive Mentor, and Life Coach (Cynthia’s website)

Cynthia channels Soul Artistry messages from the Divine by creating oil pastel drawings. Cynthia has an amazing ability to capture the essence of a person’s energy, spirit and journey. Cynthia will create this Soul Art, along with a personalized message, that you can take home for heart-felt contemplation, upliftment and direction. The drawings contain clues to your life purpose and will help you heal and remember the gifts you intended to bring forth to the Earth!

June 21, 2014 Summer Solstice

Saturday Summer Solstice Outdoor Yoga Retreat

Get Your “Hippie” On and CREATE!!

This six hour yoga retreat starts with a gentle yoga class and ends with a guided meditation. In between, we will be CREATING!! You will receive a new yoga mat for you to CREATE designs and symbols and whatever you wish to put on those mats. Start thinking about it now! You will also receive the new, 2014 Jill Sand Consulting Racer Back Tank, which you will be CREATIVELY tie-dying!! And we will be CREATING our own personal planter pots for our plants we select. Oh, and did I mention that Laurie Wondra will be joining us for a message from the Angels on developing our CREATIVITY? And of course, I have a CREATIVE organic lunch planned as well. I hope you can join us as we CREATIVELY welcome the summer on the solstice day!

$150, Saturday, June 21 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM, includes new mat, 2014 new JSC tank top, plant and planter pot, yoga, meditation, guest speaker Laurie, and healthy organic lunch! If 10 people show up, you’ll get $10 back! If 15 people show up, you’ll get $20! So tell a friend!!

Monday, Dec 2 and Monday, Jan 6, 2013

Upcoming Women’s Circles

Monday, December 2 – Reflexology with Mary Haas!

December gets very crazy with list making and social obligations. This Circle is JUST for you!! You’ll pamper yourself as Mary explains the benefits of reflexology, the trigger points, and then guides you in performing your own foot reflexology either on yourself or a partner. Bring along a wash cloth to wash your feet for this Circle!

Mary is certified to do reflexology through the International Dermal Institute and is working on her national certification from the International Reflexology Institute.

Cost is just $20

6:30 – 8:00 PM

RSVP by Saturday, November 30

Monday, January 6 – Joan Steffend Brandmeier and her Peace Begins With Me Project!

Who can think of a better way to usher in the New Year than to set our intentions with peace? Joan has dedicated the past few years of her life to this very important project. Joan will be joining us at this Circle and sharing both her children’s books that she has written on the subject of Peace.

Cost is just $25 and includes the price for one book. You will have the option of purchasing the other book for just $20.

6:30 – 8:00PM

RSVP by Saturday, January 4

September Date TBD

September Women’s Circle – Saturday Yoga and Wellness Retreat!!

Jeff has informed me that he will be going on weekend fishing trip in September, dates not yet selected. I will be hosting a Saturday Yoga and Wellness Retreat on that day. I am pulling information together right now, and it looks to be a fun day which will include 2 yoga classes, a workshop, and a Circle.

More information to follow.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Messages – Laurie Wondra

Monday June 17

6:30 – 8:30 PM

The angels continue to look for new ways to communicate or get messages to us. Join Laurie on Monday, June 17, 2013, for a group session with messages from the angels, guides, loved ones and the light beings. Join us to be in this wonderful loving energy.

Cost is $25.00. Please register by Friday, June 14, 2013

Space is limited

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sharing Our Stories!

Wednesday, April 3


RSVP by Monday, April 1

You had asked that we offer this session once more, and it has been 6 months since we last met for a Sharing Circle. It’s time to tell our stories In order for us to heal what needs healing, we need to be sharing our battle stories, our breaking points, our struggle that we continue to be burdened with. (See my blog, Healing By Telling Our Story) We cannot allow our wounds to fester below the surface and then form ugly scar tissue. We need to clean out our wounds, and we do this by telling our stories, over and over again. With each telling of our stories, we learn the important lessons gained from them. And so this next Women’s Circle is just that: our chance to tell our stories in a safe, supportive environment.

Be ready to open some deeply held emotions. That is how healing progresses.

Water, tea and a dessert will be shared.

Love donations only.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March Women’s Circle

The Power of Healing Through Music!

Wednesday, March 6

6:30 PM

$10; tea, water and a dessert included

During our January, “All About YOU!” Retreat day, Melanie Willett shared with us the Australian didgeridoo and explained how this oldest known musical instrument has been used by generations of people in healing the body, mind, and spirit. The reason for that is that each didgeridoo resonates with a specific musical key, and those keys align with our chakras. Those of us who have studied the chakras understand that working with specific chakras helps us to heal certain ailments. In yoga, we work with all of our chakras, and sometimes you will hear me say that we are doing a class specifically aimed to flush the lymphatic system or to open our hearts. Those are examples of when I specifically state that chakra work is incorporated into our practice. Eastern medicine is based on healing and balancing the chakra, or endocrine system.

At the February Circle, guest presenter, Laurie Wondra, shared with us that our angelic guides were encouraging us to use music for our own healing. They wanted us to start listening to more music and be aware of the healing properties we can gain from music.

In my own yoga training, we spent many hours examining the same ideas and concepts. I am finally prepared to share this information with you!

At March’s Women’s Circle, we will identify the different keys that align with our chakra system and explore ways to incorporate this into our own healing. I am very excited to share this information with you!

Wednesday, February 6 – Women’s Circle with Laurie Wondra

Women’s Circle – Laurie Wondra

Connecting with Our Angels and Guides

Wednesday, February 6

6:30 – 8:00 PM

$20, RSVP by Monday, February 4

Water, tea and a dessert included

Back by popular demand! Laurie has agreed to join us at our monthly Women’s Circle in February so we can once again connect with our loved ones and guides from the Other Side. Typically, we come prepared with a question that we would like information about. Oftentimes, they will address this question, but sometimes they have a more important message for us.

Laurie’s special gift of connecting with the higher energies has provided very accurate information for me over the years. She identified the men and vehicle of the people who broke into our home three years ago. She helped us find our dog, Spur, when he wandered off to die. She has connected me with my grandfather and other loved ones who had passed over. And my guides have continued to point me in the right direction as Jill Sand Consulting grows.

January 19, 2013 Retreat

January “It’s All About ME!” Retreat

Saturday, Jan 19

Join me in starting our New Year off with pampering! This retreat is All About YOU!! You’ll begin your morning with a 90 minute yoga class to set our intentions for the New Year. After a light breakfast, Elise will be introducing us to several different types of essential oils and their purposes, and we will make each get to take home 5ml of a

n essential oil that is healing and soothing for our needs. Following an Indian lunch prepared by Jyoti, The Tea Temptress Julia will be teaching us everything we need to know about tea! She will help us prepare teas that are unique to our own tastes, and we will then celebrate an Afternoon Tea in proper British tradition!

Cost is $70 for the entire day and includes making your own personal tea and a 5ml vile of essential oil to take home. There will be an essential oils kit available for purchase at $30.

If you are unable to attend the entire day, please contact me and we can make arrangements for part of the day.

December 5, 2012

Healing Meditation Introduction

WEDNESDAY, December 5, 6:30 – 8:00 PM

Love donation

Starting in January, I will be offering a separate meditation class following the Thursday night yoga class. There will be a sign up for the class, or you can drop-in. These classes will be dedicated toward helping heal ourselves as well as our loved ones as well as the planet. We will get to experience different forms of meditation. If you think that meditation is not attainable for you, then you may not quite get what it is all about. Meditation is about resting the mind in silence and space, allowing it time to recover and rejuvenate. It is NOT about sitting in a perfect state of peace while having no thoughts. Meditation is about establishing a different relationship with your thoughts for just a little while. You train yourself to place your attention where and when you want. Studies have found that meditation has profound self-healing implications for physical and mental health. In this circle, I will share information about different forms of meditation, and then we will spend about 30 minutes in a meditation. Dress comfortably. Some people prefer to sit while meditating, while others prefer to lie down. If you’d like to lie down, bring your mat along.

November 5, 2012

Numerology and the Significance of 11:11

Monday, November 5

6:30 – 8:00 PM

Many of us have reported how often we are drawn to look at the clock at precisely 11:11 or 1:11, and we feel there is an importance to those numbers. If I see those numbers, I stop what I am doing and meditate for that minute, clearing my thoughts of any negativity and bringing thoughts of peace into my heart.

In the study of numerology, the 11:11s are very significant. In this Circle, you will be learn more about the significance of 11:11, and especially how it plays out in world peace, as well as the peace of this country. With the elections the day after our Circle, the timing couldn’t be any better. I am going to step away from party politics for a minute and say this: it doesn’t matter WHICH party takes control of the presidency OR Congress. We are already too divided. And both parties take equal credit for this division. What does matter, is how we respond to this division. That is why this Circle is so important!

We will be engaged in a guided healing mudras series for the planet. We are setting the groundwork for the even more significant date of November 11 (11:11), which is a portal day. This will be discussed within the Circle as well.

I encourage you to check out this 4 minute video, The 11:11 Phenomena

Join me for a very special evening! There is a cost of $30, which includes the new t-shirt that I have created along with Laurie Wondra for just this celebration!

October 1, 2012 – Sharing Our Stories!

Sharing Our Stories!

Monday, October 1


I am being called to offer a sharing circle this time. It’s time to tell our stories! I was doing some reading and meditating (see my blog, Healing By telling Our Story), and I kept coming to a same conclusion: in order for us to heal what needs healing, we need to be sharing our battle stories, our breaking points, our struggle that we continue to be burdened with. We cannot allow our wounds to fester below the surface and then form ugly scar tissue. We need to clean out our wounds, and we do this by telling our stories, over and over again. with each telling of our stories, we learn the important lessons gained from them. And so this next Women’s Circle is just that: our chance to tell our stories in a safe, supportive environment.

Be ready to open some deeply held emotions. That is how healing progresses.

Water, tea and a dessert will be shared.

Love donations only.

September 8, 2012

Saturday Yoga and Women’s Retreat

Combined for the month of September!

Living an Abundant Life!

Saturday, September 8

8:00 – 5:00

We create our own destinies, and what we expect from the world is exactly what we get! Do you want more than what is presently in your life? Then you will want to join me for this important retreat. For the past several years, I have a positive affirmation sitting beside my bed. At least once a week, I remind myself to repeat it. It’s an easy one to remember: I am happy, I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am wise. That’s it. Since I started repeating this affirmation, I have seen those elements come into my life. I truly believe I am all of those! This retreat begins the day with a yoga class. Following is a 90 minute workshop on Abundant Health. There will be an hour long lunch and free time, followed by another 90 minute workshop on Abundant Wealth. After an afternoon break, we’ll have another yoga class with meditation. The day will end with a Circle.

Full Day Retreat (including meals and snacks) $50

Drop-in Yoga class only $10

RSVP by Thursday, September 6

Limited to 10 attendees

June 25, 2012 – Laurie Wondra from Your Life CORE

Laurie Wondra from Your Life CORE


Monday, June 25 6:30-8:30PM

You have been asking about speaking with your angels again, so I have arranged to bring Laurie Wondra back this summer for a 2 hour session of connecting with our angels and guides and loved ones from the other side. Typically, we come to the session with a question to ask. That helps us to prepare so we get the most out of our own time with the other side.

I can’t say enough about the special gift that Laurie has in connecting with the higher energies. She provided very accurate information for me, about the men who broke into our home over a year ago, including the description of their car. She also helped us locate our dog, Spur, when he wandered off to die. Besides this, I have made wonderful connections with those who have passed from my family. And most importantly, I have received from my spiritual guides and angels assistance in my transition from school teacher to wellness consultant. What I do today was encouraged by them.

RSVP by Sunday, June 24th. $15

You must re-register if you signed up for the original date. Thank you!

May 9, 2012 – Outdoor Labyrinth Meditation

May Women’s Circle – Outdoor Labyrinth Meditation

This weekend, I checked out a local outdoor labyrinth. It is located in Savage at the Glendale Methodist Church.

I will be contacting them about bringing a group over to use the labyrinth as a meditation tool for our Circle on Wednesday, May 9th (SECOND Wednesday of the month) from 5:30-7:00. We’ll have a pot luck dinner, so each person attending will bring a food to share and their own utensils and beverage to drink.

Labyrinths have been around for nearly 4000 years and are used in nearly every religious culture in the world. Like Stonehenge and the pyramids, they are geometric shapes that define sacred space. There are three basic designs for labyrinths: 7th circuit, 11th circuit and 12th circuit. The most common is the 7th circuit. That is what we will find at Glendale. When you walk a labyrinth, you follow a path to the center of the circuit and then walk back out. As you shift from one direction to another, your brain shifts from right brain to left brain. This movement can induce receptive states of consciousness (for meditating) and also balance the chakras. Some people use the walk for centering and balancing their thoughts. Others enter with a question or concern. The time spent in the center can be used for receiving, reflecting, praying, or meditating. The walk can be a place for healing, or it can be a pleasant walk. Each time we enter the path, it can be different,

Sign up starts today. Bring a blanket and maybe a pillow to sit on. Also, bring a journal and pen for recording any inspiration that might come to you while meditating.

March 7, 2012 Women’s Circle – A New Paradigm

A New Paradigm for Your Personal

Wellness & Art of Self-Care

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

6:30 – 8:00 PM

$20 includes handouts and light snacks.

RSVP required by Sunday, March 4th!

Our presenter is Marit Solheim Witt. Marit will provide an introduction to the language of color-energy and the transformational power of the four core elements: air, water, fire and earth. Those attending are asked to fill out the attached survey before the session. These will be discussed during the circle. Marit will conclude the circle by leading us on a guided imagery journey, so dress comfortably!

Marit is a writer, coach, and creative director who has developed the Alpha Element Matrix™ – a creative method of teaching about energy as a visual language. She is an instructor at the Center for Integrative Health at Normandale Community College in Bloomington, Minnesota, works with clients and organizations as a coach in the area of personal expression and style, and teaches workshops about color, energy and creativity to inspire team synergy as well as personal leadership and growth. Born in Norway and raised in Belgium and Germany, Marit moved to the United States in 1983 and holds degrees from the University of Minnesota in American Studies and Studio Arts. She focuses her work and research on creativity and the mind-body connection while completing the Masters Program for Holistic Health at St. Catherine University. Marit is also a volunteer provider at Well Within, a holistic wellness center in Woodbury, Minnesota, where she shares her love of colors and creativity with people struggling with chronic illness. Her website is found at

February 1, 2012 Women’s Circle – Setting Our Course With Vision

We are revisiting our goals as we start off this new year, a year of promising changes and greater opening of our heart and spirit. To set our course, we will be coming back to vision boards. Some of us have created vision boards previously, and so it is time to revisit them. Others have yet to experience the transformation that clearly defining our vision can accomplish. It is through visualization that we can realize our goals.

In my recent blog on Regrets? Or Opportunities? I share a little bit about visualization: “A lot of people scoff at visualization as some kind of make-believe game. But in truth, visualization is just another term for goal-setting.

Most of us have goals in our work environment. Producing “X” amount of products, reaching “X” amount of clients, teaching “X” amount of material. And so on. These goals may seem a bit lofty, especially as we first set them. But we take steps toward achieving our goal.”

So a vision board is nothing more than setting goals for ourselves. What makes it more effective than merely goal-setting though, it that we not only STATE what we want, but we also find pictures and words (visuals) that represent what we want. And then we hang these visualizations in a place where we can look at them and remind ourselves of what we truly want in our lives.

More on vision boards:

” A vision board is a simple yet powerful visualization tool that activates the universal law of attraction to begin manifesting your dreams into reality. The concept of the vision board (also known as a goal board, goal map, creativity board or treasure map) has been around for generations, but it’s gained a renewed interest and popularity after success expert John Assaraf related his story of using vision boards to achieve his dreams in the best-selling DVD documentary The Secret.

A vision board is typically a poster board on which you paste or collage images that you’ve torn out from various magazines. It’s simple.

The idea behind a vision board is that when you surround yourself with images of who you want to become, what you want to have, where you want to live, or where you want to vacation, your life changes to match those images and those desires.”

If you would like to create vision for your next couple years, please join me on

WEDNESDAY, February 1, 2012

6:30 – 8:00 PM

Light foods and beverages included

$10 for materials and snacks

Please bring your favorite magazines and pictures which you are willing to cut up!

December 7, 2011 Women’s Circle – Our Life Purpose

Some of us contemplate the question: Is there a purpose that brings me into this body, this family, this job, these friendships, this relationship, etc.? In other words, do we have a life purpose? Wouldn’t it be great to know and understand what this purpose is? Think how much we could accomplish, if we knew the greater picture for our time on Earth!

In this month’s Women’s Circle, we will explore the topic of our life purpose, and take a look at 44 life themes, finding the life theme that encompasses what our own purpose might be.

WEDNESDAY, December 7, 2011

6:30 – 8:00 PM

Light foods and beverages included

Love donation if it moves you

November 2, 2011 Women’s Circle – Message to Our Guardian Angels

Brenda asks that we write a letter to our Guardian Angels, asking for what we want, whether it be health, happiness, or whatever our needs are. We will offer these pleas to our Guardian Angels through a burning ceremony (dress for the weather!), and then Brenda will offer information on the Arch Angels and how the Angels can assist us through our days.

WEDNESDAY, November 2, 2011

6:30-8:00 PM

Light foods and beverages included

$25 donation

October 5 (Note date change, 2011 Women’s Circle – Fall Detoxification

Fall is a natural time of transition and offers us the opportunity to create a gentle detoxification for our body, mind and Spirit. We are reminded to slow down and relax, so we don’t feel depleted and sick once winter sets in. Foods, stress, unplugging from media, massage, meditation, yoga… all welcome ways to detox the body.

Join me in exploring different ways we can detox our bodies!

WEDNESDAY, October 5, 2011

(NOTE: Date has changed)

6:00 – 7:30 PM

Light foods and beverages included

Love donation if it moves you

September 21, 2011 Women’s Circle – International Peace Day

The September Women’s Circle will occur on International Peace Day: Wednesday, September 21st at 6:15PM. We will begin the Circle with an Andanda Mandala meditation to clear our chakras, and then we will be creating our own personal mandalas using glass tiles of all the colors of the rainbow/ chakras. Our intentions will be to remind ourselves that we are peaceful beings. The mandalas we create can be used for taking healing into any of the chakra areas we need balancing.

$25 includes supplies for making the mandalas

August 1, 2011 Women’s Circle – Acupuncture Health Benefits

Date: Monday, August 1, 2011

Time: 6:00 – 7:30PM

Cost: Love donation

RSVP by Saturday, July 30, 2011

Acupuncture Health Benefits

As a natural therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture has been practiced continuously as a health care modality for over 3000 yrs. By applying needling stimulation to acupuncture points on the body, acupuncture works to regulate the flow of body’s vital energy called Qi, strengthen internal organs’

functions, and restore both physical and emotional overall health and balance. It is recognized by NIH and WHO as an effective treatment for a wide variety of conditions,such as pain disorders, allergy, digestive problems, women’s issues, anxiety and depression.

Come to this class and learn how acupuncture works and what health benefits you can have from acupuncture.

The class will also include hands-on practicing of finding some acupuncture points on your body and learn their therapeutic properties. Learn ways to do acu-pressure (applying pressure to stimulate acupuncture points) on them to help promote health and prevent illness.

The talk will be given by Xianhui Joyce Yang, L.Ac, MSOM. She is a licensed acupuncturist with a Master’s degree in Oriental Medicine. Since 2004, she has been practicing acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine at Lakefront Acupuncture Clinic, LLC in Shakopee. She also teaches as an assistant professor at College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Northwestern Health Sciences University in Bloomington.


We are pleased to announce that we are carrying yoga bagsHandmade by Mary Kornder! These beautifully crafted bags are a must for the yoga and Pilates enthusiast! Please check out our website for more information! If you’d like to purchase a bag, please let me know!

A Day of Peace: Yoga and Meditation Retreat

A Day of Peace

Yoga and Meditation Retreat

Saturday, July 16

Jill Sand Consulting is very proud to offer a summer retreat for women! The focus for this retreat is to bring peace into our hearts. It is believed that only through our own inner peace can we bring peace to others. Therefore, the day is centered on helping us become an instrument of peace!

The day will start out with a 90-minute Heart Opening yoga class. This class will help us open our Hearts to give and receive love. Only through a truly open Heart can we bring peace into our world. Historically, peace efforts have had moderate success, and we must ask ourselves, why haven’t these efforts been maintained? Because each effort was focused on an event outside ourselves. But what we now know is that real peace cannot be achieved and sustained without a peaceful Heart. Our morning yoga class will focus on opening our Hearts.

There are two opportunities for meditation during the retreat. You may use this quiet time in any way that is suitable for you. Some people like to meditate while sitting in lotus pose (easy seated pose variation). Some like to be lying on their backs, maybe gazing at the sky in a hammock or lying on a blanket. Some people find meditation time while keeping their hands busy. While others like walking meditations. The property is available for you to do any of these activities, or another activity that suits you. We just ask that we refrain from talking unless there is an emergency. We want to keep our communication channels with God/ our Higher Self/ the Angels/ the Ancestors open.

Mhdlon Madcap has offered to organize a community luncheon with East Indian food! Our vision is that we are all involved in the preparation as well as enjoying the food together. The foods selected are both very healthy for us and also light enough to keep us in our Higher state of love and peace. The menu includes: Lemon rice- Basmati rice, turmeric, lemon juice & ghee, Dal- red lentils, dry & fresh spices; ginger root, cumin, black mustard seed, Alu Matar – peas & potatoes in a spiced sauce (wet veggie), Same ki bhaji – green beans with coconut, onions, spices (dry veggie), Kheera ka rayta – yogurt with cucumber & tomato, Kela ka rayta – yogurt with banana & coconut, Pudine chatni – fresh mint chutney, Chappati – whole wheat fresh bread, like a pita, and a dessert not yet named! YUMM!

Following lunch, we will have another hour meditation time.

Our final yoga class for the day will be a Kundalini class offered by Lauren Drilling. I’ve known Lauren for several years now, and some of you may recognize her from the Prior Lake Farmer’s Market. Lauren is currently finishing her 500 hr certification. Trainings include: 200 hr Hatha, 200 hr Kundalini, Chakra Yoga, YogaFit Certified, Sat Nam Rasayan, Ayurveda. Lauren has had the privilege to train with many world renowned teachers, and brings the variety of her trainings in to each practice. With a wide variety of clients she feels passionate about the power of open hearted healing, and the ability for everyone to experience balance. Lauren is pursuing a Masters in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.

We will end our day with our returning guest speaker, Brenda Vizenor, from Angel Journeys and Psychic Consultations. Brenda is an intuitive and channeler. I have asked her to bring in our support system of angels, guides and ancestors. From them, we hope to receive messages about how we can truly achieve peace within and peace in our world. I look forward to what these highly evolved Souls have to say!

I hope you can join us for part of the day or for the entire day! Because of summer schedules, I’ve offered flexibility for attending the retreat.

8:30 – 10:00 Yoga class

10:15 – 11:15 Quiet Meditation on the Grounds

11:30 – 1:00 Lunch – Indian food with Mhdlon

1:00 – 2:00 Quiet Meditation on the Grounds

2:15 – 3:30 Kundalini Yoga class with Lauren

3:30 – 4:30 Peace Messages from the Angels, Guides, and Ancestors with Brenda


Session 1: 8:30 – 1:00 $35

Session 2: 11:30 – 3:30 $35

Session 3: 3:30 – 4:30 $15

Combine Sessions 1 and 2: $60

Combine Sessions 1, 2 and 3: $65

May 2, 2011 Women’s Circle – 30-day Ayurveda Diet Challenge!

May 2 Women’s Circle

30-day Ayurveda Diet Challenge

I continue to “listen” to your needs, ladies. And lately it has been about diet and weight. Some of us are on diets that we don’t care for, but it is helping us make progress (however, sustaining it over the long run will be challenging, we know). Others of us are feeling that middle age spread. And still others of us, while not appearing to be putting on weight, are suffering from digestive issues, including bloating, gas, diarrhea, and/or constipation.

After feeling so good with our yoga practice, feeling stronger, having more energy and improved lung capacity, why should we still struggle with weight issues?

If these are questions that you are asking yourself, then I invite you to attend the May Women’s Circle. And I will challenge you to join me in a 30-day diet challenge!

At the Circle, we will briefly learn about Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine which enables us to understand how to create balance of body, mind, and consciousness according to our own individual constitution. We will take a quiz that will help us to identify the energy type we fall into. From the quiz, we will look at the foods we should include in our diets and the foods we should avoid. And then we will challenge ourselves to eat from the foods in our food group that works with our energy.

When: Monday, May 2

Time: 6:15-7:45

Cost: $10 for this 90 minute session

Light snacks will be provided.

Please RSVP by Friday, April 29

Women’s Circles FAQ

Back by popular demand… Women’s Circle!

It is my pleasure to re-introduce to my widening circle of women friends the Women’s Circle. I’m sure you have many questions about Women’s Circles, and I will try to answer them as best I can.

Women’s Circles fill a need for positive women’s connections as we live our busy lives and forget to take time for ourselves.

What do we do?

Our women’s circles gather in small groups to maintain an atmosphere of intimate friendships and comfort when sharing. While the energy of the circle is different with each group of participants, you will often find us sitting in a talking circle or meditating to a guided visualization. Sometimes we do more of one than the other, or do something completely different! You bring your own energy to the collective of our women’s circle.

Snacks will be provided by Jill.

Who may attend the women’s circle?

Our gently guided circles are open to everyone from young adults to elders, in the spirit of soul-connection. Please come share your journey with us. NOTE: I have also held circles that are for men and women.

What should you bring?

Bring your voice, bring your hopes and dreams, bring whatever moves you – or just bring yourself!

When are the women’s circles held?

The circles will be held on the first Monday of each month. NOTE: There will not be a circle in April, 2010.

How do you sign up?

Just email Jill at or sign up at my website. Reservations are required, as this class has limited participation due to the nature of working with small groups.

How much does it cost to attend a women’s circle?

Attending the 90 minute Women’s Circle will cost just $10. You will always leave with a handout and tools for taking into your daily life. Some classes will work on projects as well, so you’ll have those to take home as well.

If there is a guest speaker, the cost is adjusted to reflect any fees collected for their services.

What topics will be covered?

Often times, the topics come from your needs. However, I do have several topics that I have prepared for our first circles, including: De-stressing through Prioritizing, Becoming Who We’ve Always Been, Intuition and Goddess Energy, Effortless Living, Having a Soft Belly,Living in Grace, Animal Totems, Planetary Helpers. Other topics that I am preparing include Dream Analysis and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

Classes are held at my home, unless you decide to host a Women’s Circle at your home or work location. More information can be obtained by contacting me.

April 4, 2011 Women’s Circle – EFT Healing

April 4 Women’s Circle

Join me as we explore EFT Healing of our physical and emotional issues.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

Emotional Freedom Techniques are based on the principal that disturbing emotions are held in place in our Body/Mind energy meridian system. This is the Qi Meridian system discovered over 4000 years ago by the ancient Chinese.

When we stimulate the energy system, by tapping with our fingertips, it releases the stuck negative emotion and returns us to a state of greater health, wholeness, joy, peace and resourcefulness.

At this Circle, we will discuss the benefits for our body and minds in healing our energy meridian system, and we’ll get a chance to practice the emotional tapping technique. A handout will be provided for you to work with EFT at home.

March 7, 2011 Women’s Circle – Planetary Helpers

Planetary Helpers

Have you been scratching your head lately, wondering what in the world is going on with world? It just seems like there is a lot of “crazy” out there these days. Just watching the news is enough to truly depress me, some days.

And yet, there is the flip side. Look at Egypt. Peaceful protests led to the overthrow of a regime that had long since lost touch with its people. People all over the Middle East are peacefully demonstrating for greater democracy. And here is the thing I find most interesting: these peaceful protests are being led by a majority of young people. That encourages me.

And then there are the Earth changes. History-making storms. Birds dropping from the sky, and fish dying in our waters. All with no real explanation.

Yes, these are turbulent times, and for some, they look at the year 2012 as a pivotal year. There are the Armageddon believers who think these are end times, using the Bible or the Mayan calendar as the reference to these times.

I believe that 2012 is a pivotal year, as well, but I am not in the doomsday camp. Many people on Earth have been given information that suggests that we are not reaching an ending on Earth, but instead waking up to a new beginning. These messages are being delivered by the Earth’s Planetary Helpers.

Come join us for an evening of discussion. Who are these Planetary Helpers? What is their message? What is our role during these times? Yes, we all play a role in assisting this planet out from the “crazy” we are experiencing. In fact, you can do it right now, just by using your yoga breath to breathe deeply and bring calm into your little corner of the world. But of course, I will offer many tools for you to take into your daily life to be Planetary Helpers as well!

When: Monday, March 7

Time: 6:15-7:45

Cost: $10 for this 90 minute session

Light snacks will be provided.

Please RSVP by Friday, March 4

February 7, 2011 Women’s Circle – Yourlife Core with Laurie

February 7 Women’s Circle News!

This past weekend, I met with our next guest speaker, Laurie from Yourlife Core. She is preparing a special Circle for us. Here is the information that she sent to me:

In today’s busy life most of us spend our time ‘doing’ and expending energy. We rarely notice our reserves depleting until we are exhausted, crabby, overwhelmed, or we get to the boiling point. Sometimes we get sick and have forced downtime. Spirit guides us to go within and focus on allowing time to replenish our core energy reserves. We will talk about energy holes, aura, sticky cords and ways to protect and replenish by tapping into universal energy. We will also cover sending energy to those we love and care for in a gentle way.

YourlifeCORE is about your CORE and tapping into those core energies.

Please join Laurie and me for an evening of positive energy!

Date: Monday, February 7

Time: 6:15 – 8:15PM

Cost is $15. Light snacks and beverages are provided.

Laurie has been working intuitively for over 30 years. She’s only recently become public with her gift. She fully understands finding and stepping into personal passion and power. Laurie has been in Information Technology for over 25 years, and Executive management with Global teams for most of her career. Global teams have taken her all over the world. She is a Certified Executive Coach and has a passion for nature, outdoors, animals and travel. Her lifestyle, management style, passion for working with people, and her deep love of Mother Earth, allow a blending of learned and intuitive skills. She is a life long learner. She works naturally with healing powers of mother nature, understanding vibrational energy. She ’just knows’.

Laurie firmly believes that we are all one within the universe, and the energies of one affect the energies of all. Balance of these life energies are vital for spiritual and emotional health. Laurie gathers and shares information about these vibrational energies and uses this information as a means to balance and heal.

Laurie’s work with the angels and guides allow her to tap into knowledge from past life events, knowledge of the angels and guides, to receive and pass on information from loved ones.

Laurie loves to create, and one of her passions is writing. You may find her inspirational messages on her blogs, notes and ezine articles.

January 3, 2011 Women’s Circle – Your Finances and Your Spirit

I have truly missed the Circle, even though we only canceled the December session. I am so thrilled to start the New Year off with you, discussing our financial success for the coming year!

In the January Circle, we’ll discuss downshifting, the spiritual energy of money, and the art of feng shui bringing abundance into your life. I shifted my perspective on finances four years ago, and ever since then, I have had all of my financial needs AND wants taken care of!

Join us for this session if you want to know some practical, easy tips for changing your financial situation.

When: Monday, January 3rd at my home

Time: 6:15 -7:45 PM (NOTE TIME ADJUSTMENT)

What to bring: An open mind toward bringing financial success into your life!

Cost: $10 for the 90-minute session

Light snacks will be provided.

Please RSVP by Friday, December 31st.

November 1, 2010 Women’s Circle – Dream Analysis

Whew! I am still coming off the energy of the Women’#8217;s Retreat as I write this! We had such an awesome day! Think about the energy of a Women’s Circle and multiply that by 5 – yep, that was exactly the experience from the Women’s Retreat. I know many of you had to miss the Retreat because it fell on a long weekend for families to get away. Not to worry: we will host another one next spring! Keep in mind that I align these retreats to the weekends when my guys are all gone, so I will be looking at the fishing opener weekend in May as a very possible weekend, for your future reference.

Now onto the NEXT Women’s Circle! I am so excited for this next Circle on Dream Analysis. Have you ever woken up from a dream and thought, what the heck was that about? Or have you had a disturbing dream, or a dream that seemed too real? How about any recurring dreams or dreams from when you were a child?

All of our dreams have significance. Each piece of the dream has significance. Whatever we notice in a dream is equally as important as the overall theme of the dream. From the red shoes we observe to the chair in the corner. All of that is significant.

Join us at the November Women’s Circle to analyze your dreams! You may be very surprised by what the true interpretations of your dreams represent!

When: Monday, November 1st at my home

Time: 6:00 – 7:30 PM

What to bring: If you have some recurring dreams, write down brief descriptions to bring to the group. Another option is to start writing down your dreams that you are having from now until November 1st. Leave a paper and pen by your bed for taking notes when you wake up. Bring those notes to the session.

Cost: $10 for the 90-minute session

Light snacks will be provided.

Please RSVP by Friday, October 29th. (Sorry for the short notice!)

Women’s Retreat – Saturday October 23, 2010

Women’s Retreat – Saturday, October 23, 2010


4:30-6:00 Optional Breakout Sessions

Women’s Retreat Schedule:

8:00-9:30 Yoga Class

9:30-10:00 Break and Snacks

10:00-11:30 Session 1: Women’s Circle – Having a Soft Belly

11:30-12:30 Lunch

12:30-1:10 Session 2: Yoga Nidra

1:15-3:00 Session 3: Yoga and the Chakras

3:15-4:30 Chakra Yoga Class

4:30-6:00 Optional 10 minute breakout sessions (payment directly to the guest presenters)

Cost is $50 for the Women’s Retreat 8:00 – 4:30

Information on the Breakout Sessions

Information from Brenda Vizenor…

Brenda is an intuitive and channel who offers you the opportunity to ask a question of either a loved one who has passed or your angels or guides. Come prepared with your question to make the most of your time with the Other Side. Brenda Vizenor, Angel Journeys and Psychic Consultations

Information from Mhdlon Madcap…

Arcana of Sacred Mystery Tradition

This offering will be using Motherpeace Tarot cards as a guide to telling a story about our lives. This is done with “creative visualization” to enable us to “see” into the details and focus on a direction, make a decision, and put all the pieces together. There are many realms that exist concurrently. We exist in one that is comprised of the physical experience through our bodies interpreted on levels of conscious, subconscious, and dreams. There are gateways to other worlds. All we need is something to trigger an awareness of the gate to the path to somewhere else. The symbolism of Tarot can open the inner eye to seeing. It is only a mystery if we agree that it is so.

“The arcane (profound secrets) in Tarot are a vessel for salvaging spiritual wisdom from the period when the Goddess was worshipped” (Nobel, 1938, p.17). The Motherpeace version combines the traditional characteristics of Tarot handed down through history with an informed spiritual and feminine perspective alive with symbolism, folklore, philosophy, mythology, and free flowing artistry.

One to One:

There is one central idea, focus, or question to one card drawn.

Reaction, discussion, decision, or closure:

The purpose of using the visual image of the card is to evoke, stimulate, direct, and bring into focus whatever is of concern to the participant.

This is an opportunity.

Reference: Nobel, V. (1983). Motherpeace. A Way to the Goddess through Myth, Art, and Tarot. New York: Harper Collins Publisher.

Information from Barbara Demers…

Healing Touch is a biofield therapy that is an energy based approach to health and healing. Using touch to influence the human energy field around the body and that control the flow of energy thru the energy centers and to the physical body. The goal of Healing Touch is to restore harmony and balance in the energy system by placing the client in a position to allow the body to self heal.

Information from Elle Allen…

Elle is a shamanic healer and will be offering her services during the breakout session. More information to follow. Elle has been engaging in the core shamanic and Native American spirituality ways for the past three years and for the past year has been an apprentice of the Q’ero. The Q’ero is a 1500 year old tradition from the Andean Mountains region of Peru. Elle carries a healing “mesa” composed of sacred stones, or Kuyas, to assist in her shamanic healing.

Elle’s retreat sessions will offer a choice of: 1) an “illumination” which is the extraction of negative energy due to situation, upset, or block that is being experienced leading to an illumination or healing around the issue, 2) a “divination” where participants may ask a question for answers or guidance about something in their life, Or….for a double-time session of 20 minutes 1) “Four Chambers of the Soul” prescription or 2) Soul Retrieval

A Massage Therapist will be offering upper body massages.

If you are unable to attend the Women’s Retreat but would like to attend the Breakout Sessions, that can be arranged. Please contact me for more information.

October 4 Women’s Circle Topic – Animal Totems

It feels so good to be getting back to our Women’s Circles after missing the September Circle due to the Labor Day holiday!

This month’s topic is Animal Totems! Totems are any natural object, being, or animal to whose phenomena and energy we are drawn to during our lifetime. We have lifelong animal totems, journey animal totems, message animal totems, and shadow animal totems.

Once you begin to learn of your animal totems, you can discover the messages they have for you and seek out their assistance during difficult times in your life.

When: Monday, October 4th at my home

Time: 6:00 – 7:30 PM

What to bring: There may be a particular animal (includes birds, bugs, and reptiles) that you are drawn to or that is showing up in your life. Be prepared to explore the reasons for that animal being with you!

Cost: $10 for the 90-minute session

Light snacks will be provided.

Please RSVP by Friday, October 1st.

August 2 Women’s Circle Topic – Yoga Nidra Meditation

Hello My Friends!

I apologize for the lateness of this email. I was waiting for an opportunity to present itself in terms of a guest speaker for August, but it didn’t happen. However, in that process, my friend, Mhdlon, reminded me of Yoga Nidra, and she sent me a wonderful link to a fantastic Yoga Nidra meditation! Thanks Mhdlon!

For those of you who attended the Meditation Yoga series with me last winter, we practiced a Yoga Nidra meditation as part of the series. A couple of you will remember that it was the class in which you were in such a deep, restive place that you felt in a different world. That was our Yoga Nidra class!!

So what is Yoga Nidra? A yogic sleep. It is a state of conscious Deep Sleep. In meditation, you remain in the Waking state of consciousness and gently focus the mind, while allowing thought patterns, emotions, sensations, and images to arise and go on. However, in Yoga Nidra, you leave the Waking state, go past the Dreaming state, and go to Deep Sleep, yet you remain awake. Yoga Nidra brings an incredible calmness, quiet, and clarity. It is one of the deepest of all meditations.

What will we do in our Women’s Circle? We will bring an intention to class for which we seek clarity. Then we will be led through a Yoga Nidra meditation on tape. After the meditation, we will spend a few minutes writing down our thoughts and insights that came to us during the Yoga Nidra. Afterward, we will share our discoveries.

When: Monday, August 2

Time: 6:00 – 7:30 PM

What to Bring: A blanket or yoga mat to lie on the floor. You may also want to bring a light blanket for covering yourself during the Yoga Nidra.

Cost: $10

Light snacks will be offered during the Circle.

RSVP to me by Friday, July 30th.

July 5 Women’s Circle Topic – Elle Allen

July 5 Women’s Circle

6:00 – 7:30 PM


(Cost includes light snacks and beverages.)


I am pleased to announce the continuation of our Guest Speaker summer series! This July 5, we are bringing in Elle Allen. Following is information about what Elle has to offer us, as well as her biography.

Introduction to Shamanic Spirituality

This course will introduce the core principles of the shamanic world view, the history of its foundations and its relevance in the world today. Methodologies of shamanism from various cultures will be highlighted as well as the exploration of how the medicine wheel, six directions, and smudging are incorporated into personal and communal ritual. Participants will be encouraged to join in with drums or other rhythmic instruments and also experience a ‘journey’ to meet their power animal or animal guide. Discover the powerful, peaceful, balanced, and magical simplicity of seeing beyond the obvious.

Elle Allen holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of South Florida and a master’s degree in Human Resources and Industrial Relations from the University of Minnesota. Her work background includes 14 years in banking and 10 years in K-12 education. She is self-employed as a private piano teacher and shamanic healer. In her quest to find spiritual beliefs and practices that are meaningful, her religious background has included affiliations from mainstream to fundamental to more liberal, ‘new thought’ Christian organizations. She is a member of Unity of the Valley Spiritual Center in Savage, MN and offers workshops and classes in Shamanism, Life Path Discovery, Music as Medicine, Music Memoir Writing, and Personal Spiritual Musicality. Her personal mission is to spark, kindle and spread wonderment of what is.

June 7 Women’s Circle Topic – Brenda Vizenor

Brenda is coming back to our Women’s Circle, by popular demand! Brenda Vizenor of Angel Journeys and Psychic Consultations, is an intuitive and channel. She will offer you the opportunity to ask a question of either a loved one who has passed or your angels or guides. Come prepared with your question to make the most of your time with the Other Side.

Monday, June 7, 2010

6:00 – 8:00 PM


Light snacks will be provided.

Those of you who were on the waiting list last time will have preference to sign up first for this class, but please contact me right away. This class WILL fill up quickly.

May 3 Women’s Circle Topic – The Dimensions of Energy

I am pleased to share with you information for our next Women’s Circle, held on Monday, May 3 from 6:00 – 7:30 PM. Our topic for the month of May is The Dimensions of Energy. Spring is a great time to explore energy, as our own bodies feel energized by the increased hours of daylight. However, there is so much more to learn and share about energy! I will share several different perspectives of the energy from different sources, and then I will share my interpretation of the energies. Of course, the Women’s Circle is the opportunity for YOU to share as well, so you’ll have the opportunity to share your perspectives or reflect aloud on the discussion!

The cost for the Women’s Circle is $10 a person, and space is limited so please RSVP as soon as you are able to commit. Snacks will be provided.

Contact Jill Sand (Contact Me button at the right) to sign up for this circle.)

Women’s Retreat

I am currently planning a Women’s Retreat for Saturday, May 15. That is the day before Mother’s Day, as well as falling on the fishing opener. So I hope that you will consider offering yourself this retreat as a day to pamper yourself!

There will be a 2-hour morning yoga class (YES!!) and a 75 minute later afternoon class (YES!!). In between, we will participate in two Women’s Circles, the topics being Spirit in Nature and more about the Goddess Energy. Lunch is a Garden Party theme, and hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can enjoy our food in the several outdoor spaces on our property. Plan to wander through the woods and discover my Spirit Tree!

The day will run from 8:00- 4:30. Afterward, I have invited some guests to come and share their talents for tapping into the Higher Energies through Tarot Card readings, Connecting with Your Spirit Guides, and offering gentle massages. These ten minute sessions will run from 4:30 – 6:00PM. If you are interested in attending any of these sessions, there will be a sign-up for you, and a slight fee will be included for the presenters.


March 1 Women’s Circle Topic – Intuition and the Goddess Energy

For the March Women’s Circle, we will look at our own level of intuition and learn how to deepen it. We will also examine the relationship between intuition and the ancient energy of the goddess. Goddess energy is another term for the feminine energy.

This month’s circle will invite participants to play a greater role in the discussion. We will spend about 30-60 minutes in a guided discussion. Your contribution to the discussion is essential, and I will act as facilitator for the group discussion. Afterward, there will be a meditation, lasting up to 30 minutes, followed by a short briefing, if people are inclined to share what they learned from their meditation. A handout will be provided for the group as a tool for further exploring deepening their intuitiveness.

Contact Jill Sand (Contact Me button at the right) to sign up for this circle.

February 1 Women’s Circle Topic – Contacting Your Spirit Guides

Women’s Circle for Monday, February 1, 6:00-8:00

At our January Women’s Circle, several women expressed a desire to bring in a guest speaker who could help them connect with their Spirit Guides, or Guardian Angels, who are currently working with them. I did a little meditating on this, and my thoughts were directed to Brenda Vizenor, a Lakeville woman whom I have been aware of having this gift of connecting with the Other Side. I contacted Brenda, and it just so happens that she was getting the message that she needed to start working with her gift in just such a manner as this group! The stars aligned!

Brenda works with a smaller group of women than our normal-sized circle group, and because of this the charge for the Feb circle will be a bit higher. However, you will get a chance to get specific information from your guides from the two-hour session. I will add a disclaimer here, though, and that is that I have not personally worked with Brenda before. I have only heard of her gift, and witnessed a bit of it as her Facebook Friend.

The cost for the February Women’s Circle is $25. After you have confirmed your attendance, I will ask that you mail in your check to hold your place for the class. Light snacks will once again be provided. If you had previously expressed your desire to attend the February class, I will still need confirmation from you since this session includes a guest speaker and limited attendance.

The February Circle will fill fast, so please contact me as soon as you are sure you can attend.

January 4 Women’s Circle Topic – Creating Vision Boards

A vision board is a simple yet powerful visualization tool that activates the universal law of attraction to begin manifesting your dreams into reality. The concept of the vision board (also known as a goal board, goal map, creativity board or treasure map) has been around for generations, but it’s gained a renewed interest and popularity after success expert John Assaraf related his story of using vision boards to achieve his dreams in the best-selling DVD documentary The Secret.

A vision board is typically a poster board on which you paste or collage images that you’ve torn out from various magazines. It’s simple.

The idea behind a vision board is that when you surround yourself with images of who you want to become, what you want to have, where you want to live, or where you want to vacation, your life changes to match those images and those desires.