It’s gonna be a mess out on those roads today. We have snow coming down and blowing right now. There is only an inch of the snow on the ground at this time, but by tomorrow morning we should expect to see about 6-12 inches of snow!
I can actually handle a March snow better than a February snow. As I’ve written before, I get a strong case of the February blahs, but by March we have started to feel the warmer sun, the days will heat up into the 40s, and the snow starts to melt pretty fast. And so I know it can’t last long.
March snowstorms are usually quite pretty. Because there is more moisture in the air, the snows tend to be heavier. That can be dangerous for potential heart attack victims, and I know of several people who have had heart attacks and even died from shoveling this snow. It’s a very sad statistic. But the snow, itself, is quite pretty. It will cling to the trees more, sometimes causing limbs to break as they bear the heavier weight.
I’ll be on the road a lot today, so it’s a good day to remind everyone to take their time on the roads.