On Sunday I had an awesome experience spending time with maybe a hundred other yogis participating in two yoga classes. It was so much fun, and the energy was amazing! It’s always fun for me to attend someone else’s class, not only to possibly learn something from them, but also to just “be present.” I met a few really nice people, and ran into some other new friends I had made more recently.
The yoga community is a fun group of mostly young people, and so it made my heart sing to see a few yoginis who appeared to be in their 60s and older. They kept up with the master class, just as I did. And then there were a few poses that we did as partners and that was amazing. I will try them in my classes to get people more familiar with partner yoga.
Spending time with people who are liked minded and filled with joy and happiness is really important for us all. It helps us to maintain a level of joy in our own lives as well. Think about the people whom are a part of your inner circle. Do they bring you joy or bring you down? Do they give you energy or do they take your energy away? These are important questions we need to reflect on from time to time.
Spring is a time to clear away the cobwebs from winter. Sometimes we need to clear out other aspects of our lives as well.
What might be keeping you from FINDING YOUR BLISS?