As I was meditating this morning, my mind was swirling around an idea that had come to me in other meditations but had not formulated into a complete thought. It was as if the gift of the completion of the…
Warm Up 5 Tibetan Rites Sequence Demonstration
Full Version 5 Tibetan Rites Sequence Demonstration
Modified 5 Tibetan Rites Sequence Demonstration
Meditation – Lila Hum
Meditation – Jyoti Jyotova
Meditation – OM Prani Dhana
Protected: Yoga Therapy – Happy Baby Sequence
Protected: Yoga Therapy – Digestion Aid
Protected: Spine Strengtheners
Meditation – Aroot Perum Jothi
Meditation – OM Shanti OM
Meditation – Har Haray Haree
Protected: Psoas Release Session
Meditation Ananda Hum
Meditation – So Hum
Yoga Therapy – “Pulling Prana”
Yoga Therapy – Breath of Joy
Inspiration – Collective Consciousness Thoughts
Meditation – OM Ram Ramaya
Meditation – Lightness is My True Self
Inspiration – Manifesting Our Thoughts
Meditation – OM Laghu Bhavam
Yoga Therapy and Thread the Needle
Yoga Therapy and Flying Cow
Yoga Therapy and Retentive Breath
Yoga Therapy and Alternate Nostril Breathing
Yoga Therapy and Ujayi Breath
Inspiration – Depression and Our Spiritual Alignment
Yoga Stretch – Reclining Bound Angle
Corpse Pose
Standing Back Bend
Yoga Every (Damn) Day!
Yep, that’s what I said! And I mean it from my heart. In fact, it is a heart-filled message. Let me explain why. Over the past few years, we have all been going through a transformation. Whether you are aware…
Basic Yoga Pose Warrior I
Basic Yoga Warm Up Sunflowers
Basic Yoga Warm Up Moonflowers
Yoga Stretch and Strength with Child’s Pose and Downward Facing Dog
Advanced Lotus Pose
Advanced Pose Forearm Balance 2
Self Inquiry Meditation
Aroot Perum Jothi Meditation
Crocodile Breath for Anxiety Meditation
Advance Yoga Side Crow Pose
Scorpion Pose
Forearm Balance
Frog Pose
Wild Thing/Flip Dog
Crow Pose
One Foot to Head Pose
Pigeon to Queen Pigeon
Headstand with Wall
Balanced Elephant/Eight Angle
Handstand Prep
Legs up Wall Shoulder Stand and Plow
Stork Pose
Monkey God
Half Lotus Forward Fold
Bird of Paradise
Reverse Table/Incline Plank
Dead Bug with Leg Extended
Upward Facing Dog Pose
Plank Pose
Fish Pose
Plow to Shoulder Stand
Twisting Lunges
Wheel Pose
Supine Hand to Big Toe
Eagle Pose
Balancing Half Moon
Turkish Twist
Legs up the Wall with Movement
Twisting Chair
Bound Angle
Warrior III
Gorilla Pose
Twisting Triangle
Boat Pose
Dead Bug
Modified Plank Pose
Seated Forward Fold
Triangle with Strap
Airplane-Chair Moving Series
Chair with Strap
Easy Seated Forward Folds/Butterfly
Tree with Chair
Stretch and Strengthen One-Legged Balance
Warrior’s Flow
Legs up the Wall Stretch
Chair Upper Body Strength and Stretch
Chair Stretch and Core
Seated Pose
Spine on Mat
Side Body
Floor/Table Stretch
5-Minute Yoga Practice
Chair Upper Body, Hips, Low Back
Standing Flow
Standing with Upper Body Stretch
Authentic Self
Inspiration through Sat Nam Chanting
Spirit Animals
Accepting Compliments
Chanting Ra Ma Da Sa
I Feel at Peace
Finding Your Hum
Central Channel Meditation
Goddess Wisdom Meditation
Experience the Relaxation Response Meditation (Seated)
Chakra Healing Guided Meditation
Healing Relaxation to Promote Physical Healing
Inner Stillness Guided Meditation
Finding Your Authentic Self Meditation
Meditation on Strengths
Yoga Nidra
Tapping into Our Intuition
Balancing Chakras through the Root Chakra Meditation
Our Heartfelt Desire Meditation
Raindrop Meditation
Stress Release
Ocean Meditation
Yoga Practice Handstand
Sun Salutations
Side Crow Pose
Scorpion Pose
Seated Straddle Splits Pose
Eight Angle Yoga Pose
Yoga Stretch
King Pigeon Yoga Prep
JSC Yoga – Half Series and Sun Salutations
JSC Yoga Breathing
Soul Contracts and the Year of Transformation
Since just one month ago, I have had to say good-bye to so many dear loved ones. Some of these deaths were expected, and others came up very unexpectedly. None of them were easy. So as I was reflecting on…
Pack, People, Tribe
I was commenting on a post by Pat on Facebook this morning, about a book she was currently reading, which I had read several years ago, Women Who Run With Wolves. After our comments, I started thinking about my own…
What’s Good for the Soul
Just looking back, I see that my last blog was on depression, and there have been no more blogs since then. For those of you who follow me regularly, I hope you didn’t get worried that I was more depressed…
This weekend I was made aware of the depth of depression some people are suffering from, following such a long and drawn out winter season. Crabbiness, sleeping a lot, excessive drinking, picking fights, seeing everything wrong with the world and…
The Power of Two or More
Last night’s circle was about building our intuition. The small group of women attending consider themselves intuitive but don’t really trust themselves when it comes to thinking intuitively. It was a fun circle, as we saw one of the women…
Do Good, Be Good
Do Good and Be Good… This Will Take You To the Freedom and To Whatever Truth There Is. Buddha I recently had a conversation with a friend about the afterlife. She wasn’t so sure that there is one. Even having…
Leap of Faith
A high school classmate whom I’ve reacquainted with on Facebook asked a prayer group to pray for her Godchild, who is having surgery to correct a crossed eye, which may also be blind, and she also asked that we pray…
Manifest Love
We are shaped by our thoughts: we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. Buddha I keep having this conversation with my husband, regarding our thoughts manifesting themselves. That is…
Proof of Heaven
A friend loaned me her book, “Proof of Heaven” by Eben Alexander, a couple weeks ago, and I am slowly making my way through it. It’s a very good book about a neurosurgeon’s near death experience (NDE). What amazes me…
Flip the Switch, Or Turn the Dimmer Control…
I’ve got this song rolling through my head right now: “It’s a new day, think new thoughts, There’s a new way, change your hearts. There a new law in the land.” I can’t say that those are the real words…
All You Need Is Love
I am reading this book, Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander, about a neurologist who contracts meningitis and goes into a weeklong coma. While in this coma, he has a near death experience, which changes his whole view of how…
The Connection
After experiencing the ultimate weather-related meltdown yesterday, I was feeling the need to go within, and I was so happy that there was a New Moon Circle gathering at my friend, Laurie’s house. What a wonderful evening it turned out…
The Voice of God
The other night, I had an amazing dream about Jeff’s mom, Grace. My dreams with Grace always start with the premise that she had died but came back from the dead and is living among us. Of course, to me…
Women’s Circles
For the second month in a row, I have had to cancel the women’s circle because there are just not enough people signed up to make the time I have to move the family out of the house worth it.…
The Bible
We spent the last several weeks watching the series, The Bible, on television. My brother had told us about it, and said it was pretty interesting, given our Catholic faith background. He had recognized some of the stories from growing…
Next week’s Women’s Circle is about sharing our stories, and this is an important topic for many reasons. The reason I stated for sharing our stories is that we need to work through our issues rather than bury them. Allowing…
Listen to Our Hearts
Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here to discuss this thing called life. You take it so seriously! It is meant to be a joy, to bring you joy. You are not meant to worry your way through life. You are…
Feeling the Crunch
Jeff and I are among the Sandwich Generation now. We have kids who are not completely independent from us yet, and we have parents who are becoming more dependent on us. It’s an interesting position to be in. Our kids…
Spiritual Journeys
This weekend, I reconnected with a new friend whom I hadn’t heard from for a few months, and I have to say, my heart was SINGING when I saw her Facebook page become active again! I messaged her to see…
Intuitive Massage
Yesterday I attended my first intuitive massage, and that was quite the experience! The massage therapist, Jo, is VERY talented and gifted. I would have to say that she is the most talented healer I have ever gone to. As…
Upon plugging into my computer this morning, I read in the headlines that the musician, Pink, had stopped her concert to comfort a little girl who was distressed because the two women she was with at the concert were fighting.…
Life Changes
Change. Such a difficult process. We all get set in our ways and routines, and then at some point, we are asked to make a change in that routine, and it is easy to say, “No.” We know that change…
Living in the Moment
The never ending winter… okay, maybe I am being slightly dramatic, as I have lived in Minnesota my entire life, and I can clearly recall chopping ice on the north side of my childhood home in June. It was a…
Today I am grateful for my health, and I am grateful for strong genes that run in the McDevitt family. I got Mom home from the hospital yesterday afternoon, and she is good to go. We had to stop at…
Live in the Moment: the Lesson of Mercy
Yesterday offered me the opportunity to practice what I preach: living in the moment. I had run into my father-in-law at the grocery store, and he informed me that he had just admitted my mom to the hospital emergency room.…
Let Go Energy
Yesterday was a “good energy” day with a New Moon, but today the energy seems a bit more erratic. Perhaps its because Mercury is still retrograde. So what do we do when we feel just a bit “off?” First of…
On Sunday I had an awesome experience spending time with maybe a hundred other yogis participating in two yoga classes. It was so much fun, and the energy was amazing! It’s always fun for me to attend someone else’s class,…
March Snowfall
It’s gonna be a mess out on those roads today. We have snow coming down and blowing right now. There is only an inch of the snow on the ground at this time, but by tomorrow morning we should expect…
The End of the Journey
It’s been an interesting journey for Jeff’s dad, Joe. In the past two weeks, he has been in the hospital three different times, unable to breathe because of the intense pressure of water around the heart, congestive heart disease. He…
It’s a New Day
I am sitting here thinking of a song we used to sing while I was growing up in the Catholic Schools. I’ll see how much of it I can remember. It’s a new day, Think new thoughts, There’s a new…
Challenging Ourselves to Change
In order to change, one must challenge herself. I have been knocking these words around in my head a lot these days, and you’ve probably heard me say them in yoga classes as well. I have many clients that have…
Monday Mornings
What is it about Monday mornings? Even though I haven’t had a regular, full time job for five years, there is still that feeling of aniticipation, which includes a little dread, in Monday mornings. It has nothing to do with…
Last Night’s Meditation
Last night’s meditation was to invite us to meet our Spirit Guides who are working with us at this point in our lives. I met Lizbeth. At first I thought she said Isabelle, and when I repeated the name, I…
Amazing Energy!
Last night, I attended an energy circle at Laurie Wondra’s home. It had been a heavy energy day for me. I was feeling very agitated and out of sorts. Part of this was due to it being February. Part of…
Found this song buried in a new CD I bought. Loving it… You need Adobe Flash Player to view this content. Namaste
I awaken to a light sky now. And though the thermometer might say it’s 30 degrees, with temperatures dropping this afternoon, I know this is only temporary. Even on a 10 degree February day, the sun is warmer, allowing for…
Valentine’s Day
Today is the day for thoughts of LOVE. Of course, we scramble to offer a gift of love to our partners. We buy gifts for our kids. We send out cards to those near and dear to us. But what…
Music for Healing
Music therapy… a friend of mine went to college for it back in the 80s. Unfortunately, she could only get a job in nonprofits, in a part time position and the pay was terrible. She didn’t last long. In my…
The Year of the Snake
Yesterday was the Chinese New Year that begins the Year of the Snake. The snake represents a year of hard work. We will all make progress with our goals, but we will follow the same type of path toward our…
Just Another Day
Getting through the February blahs, one day at a time… Happy Friday! You need Adobe Flash Player to view this content.
A Great Circle Last Night!
Last night’s Circle brought Laurie Wondra back so we could talk with our angels, guides, and loved ones. It was such a powerful night, and the energy was so strong! We were all feeling a little sleepy by the end…
Keep on Keeping On
Yesterday I spoke of the seasonal affective disorder that affects so many Minnesotans and Northern Hemisphere residents. At my classes yesterday, I checked in with a couple classes and Facebook friends about this energy, and there was agreement that many…
Seasonal Affective Disorder
This weekend I was thinking about mental illness. Not the chronic cases, but seasonal mental illnesses and stress-induced mental illnesses. For me, I get obsessive when I am stressed. My brain plays the same message over and over again. I…
The Morning Hour Blogs
Namaste, I always write my blogs in the morning hours, as I take my first few sips of coffee. (Hence the spelling and grammar errors that I miss when I edit the first time.) The reason I do this is…
Dancing with Wild Abandon
A few days ago, I had posted a picture on my Facebook page of a girl dancing in front of an almost life-sized painting of a woman dancing. I can’t seem to post the picture, so I will post the…
The Power of the Mind
For those of you who see me on a regular basis, you know I have been experiencing some pretty frequent hot flashes lately. It’s that time of my life, and so, like every woman who has gone before me, I…
Experiencing Spiritual Bliss
Boy, this has been an energy rollercoaster week! We see it in our weather, as tempertures plunge, then rise a bit, and then take another plunge. And some of us might notice it in our moods as well. Yesterday was…
A Winter Meditation
Oh, the weather outside is frightful… Hello January in Minnesota. We’ve hardly known you for the past few years. Today is the second day in a row that we have begun the day with below zero temperatures and windchills in…
Retreat Summary
BLISS! The retreat was a day filled with BLISS! From the moment the first women arrived, I could feel the energy of the group, and it was a marvelous collection of Souls mingling around the kitchen, as all women do.…
The Weight of the World
I must be carrying the weight of the world on my back today, as I am feeling some very tight muscles right between my shoulder blades in my mid back. As a yoga teacher and intuitve person, I recognize that…
2013 Possibilities
The end of January is filled with exciting activities for me, and I gotta admit, sometimes the energy is too busy and wakes me up before I am ready to get up. This weekend is our January retreat: It’s All…
Dedication to My Friend, Jill
Today I woke up thinking about coincidences. I’ll be attending the funeral of a friend’s dad this morning. A reminder that life is precious, and that we won’t have our parents around forever. In fact, on this day that my…
Waiting For This Energy To Pass
It seems like the past week has dealt us with some very strong energy. There are many people who are very sick with flus, colds, and respiratory problems. My husband even reported to me last night that there is strain…
Winter in Minnesota
I am reminded during the winter time in Minnesota that there are a few things that need to occur to get through the cold winter months. First, we need to allow our body metabolism to slow down, so we can…
Meditation and “Me” Time Heals
This has been a challenging week for me. With a sick son and not understanding what he was going through, my free time was taken up with worry about him. Worry about these stomach aches that have been flaring up…
Out of Balance
Yesterday was an off-balance day for me. I woke up early and started worrying about my sick son, who hadn’t been feeling good on and off for the past month and a half. And then I tried to sleep in…
I Need a Friend
This weekend, Jeff and I got into a disagreement which we have mostly resolved, but for which I am still carrying some anger. In his eyes, which sees winners and losers, he would say that I “won” the argument, but…
Tao – Chapter 3 Without Action
Tao spoke of a world in which value is placed on people’s positions within society. He spoke of a world of greed. This is what I feel we have become. He offers us some advice. Chapter 3 Do not glorify…
Making A Decision
In just a few weeks, I will be performing my first marriage ceremony for a friend and her fiance. I am both excited and very nervous at the same time. I have to keep reminding myself to BREATHE when I…
Happy New Year!
Our family is settling into 2013 quite well, and I hope your family is as well. Today I am thankful for a quiet morning. I realize that, when my family is around during the weekends and holidays, I am unable…
Just You and I
Jeff and I celebrate our 27th Anniversary today. This is one of the songs we had playing during our wedding. It still holds true today. You need Adobe Flash Player to view this content. Happy Anniversary and Love You!
Stepping Out Of Character
I have a guilty little secret that I don’t share with too many friends, but I am going to admit it, as part of my personal evolution. I have little patience for people who don’t share the same political beliefs…
bliss (bls) n. 1. Extreme happiness; ecstasy. 2. The ecstasy of salvation; spiritual joy. Bliss is an emotional state that is characterized by perfect happiness (feelings of enjoyment, pleasure, and satisfaction). With a new year, there is a new beginning,…
I AM Remembering
I have moved through the past 36 hours in a rollercoaster of emotions. They range from feeling “normal,” which is my natural happy self, and then all of a sudden great waves of sadness overcome me. I am not suffering…