Last night’s circle was about building our intuition. The small group of women attending consider themselves intuitive but don’t really trust themselves when it comes to thinking intuitively. It was a fun circle, as we saw one of the women step forward in her confidence in herself.
2013 is a year that really requires those of us who are healers and teachers and Light Ones to step forward and be the beacon for those others who are really suffering right now. I have spoken before about the number of haters and angry people out there right now. They are needing us to diffuse that anger. We can think about it like a completely pitch black room. We are a candle in that room, and we are shedding light into the dark corners. We don’t need to give our energy away to them. In fact, I don’t think this is a time to give our energy to anyone. Instead, we should be just holding the Light energy in place.
At another circle, we discussed the power of group meditation and prayer. I have set up a prayer chain through my Facebook page, for group prayers. I am including meditations in my circles, as well as at the end of class, for group meditation. These are two examples of the power of group consciousness.
Contact me if you wish to learn more.