Just looking back, I see that my last blog was on depression, and there have been no more blogs since then. For those of you who follow me regularly, I hope you didn’t get worried that I was more depressed…
This weekend I was made aware of the depth of depression some people are suffering from, following such a long and drawn out winter season. Crabbiness, sleeping a lot, excessive drinking, picking fights, seeing everything wrong with the world and…
The Power of Two or More
Last night’s circle was about building our intuition. The small group of women attending consider themselves intuitive but don’t really trust themselves when it comes to thinking intuitively. It was a fun circle, as we saw one of the women…
Do Good, Be Good
Do Good and Be Good… This Will Take You To the Freedom and To Whatever Truth There Is. Buddha I recently had a conversation with a friend about the afterlife. She wasn’t so sure that there is one. Even having…
Leap of Faith
A high school classmate whom I’ve reacquainted with on Facebook asked a prayer group to pray for her Godchild, who is having surgery to correct a crossed eye, which may also be blind, and she also asked that we pray…
Manifest Love
We are shaped by our thoughts: we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. Buddha I keep having this conversation with my husband, regarding our thoughts manifesting themselves. That is…
Proof of Heaven
A friend loaned me her book, “Proof of Heaven” by Eben Alexander, a couple weeks ago, and I am slowly making my way through it. It’s a very good book about a neurosurgeon’s near death experience (NDE). What amazes me…
Flip the Switch, Or Turn the Dimmer Control…
I’ve got this song rolling through my head right now: “It’s a new day, think new thoughts, There’s a new way, change your hearts. There a new law in the land.” I can’t say that those are the real words…
All You Need Is Love
I am reading this book, Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander, about a neurologist who contracts meningitis and goes into a weeklong coma. While in this coma, he has a near death experience, which changes his whole view of how…
The Connection
After experiencing the ultimate weather-related meltdown yesterday, I was feeling the need to go within, and I was so happy that there was a New Moon Circle gathering at my friend, Laurie’s house. What a wonderful evening it turned out…
The Voice of God
The other night, I had an amazing dream about Jeff’s mom, Grace. My dreams with Grace always start with the premise that she had died but came back from the dead and is living among us. Of course, to me…
Women’s Circles
For the second month in a row, I have had to cancel the women’s circle because there are just not enough people signed up to make the time I have to move the family out of the house worth it.…
The Bible
We spent the last several weeks watching the series, The Bible, on television. My brother had told us about it, and said it was pretty interesting, given our Catholic faith background. He had recognized some of the stories from growing…
Next week’s Women’s Circle is about sharing our stories, and this is an important topic for many reasons. The reason I stated for sharing our stories is that we need to work through our issues rather than bury them. Allowing…
Listen to Our Hearts
Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here to discuss this thing called life. You take it so seriously! It is meant to be a joy, to bring you joy. You are not meant to worry your way through life. You are…
Spiritual Journeys
This weekend, I reconnected with a new friend whom I hadn’t heard from for a few months, and I have to say, my heart was SINGING when I saw her Facebook page become active again! I messaged her to see…
Intuitive Massage
Yesterday I attended my first intuitive massage, and that was quite the experience! The massage therapist, Jo, is VERY talented and gifted. I would have to say that she is the most talented healer I have ever gone to. As…
Upon plugging into my computer this morning, I read in the headlines that the musician, Pink, had stopped her concert to comfort a little girl who was distressed because the two women she was with at the concert were fighting.…
Life Changes
Change. Such a difficult process. We all get set in our ways and routines, and then at some point, we are asked to make a change in that routine, and it is easy to say, “No.” We know that change…
Living in the Moment
The never ending winter… okay, maybe I am being slightly dramatic, as I have lived in Minnesota my entire life, and I can clearly recall chopping ice on the north side of my childhood home in June. It was a…
Live in the Moment: the Lesson of Mercy
Yesterday offered me the opportunity to practice what I preach: living in the moment. I had run into my father-in-law at the grocery store, and he informed me that he had just admitted my mom to the hospital emergency room.…
Let Go Energy
Yesterday was a “good energy” day with a New Moon, but today the energy seems a bit more erratic. Perhaps its because Mercury is still retrograde. So what do we do when we feel just a bit “off?” First of…
On Sunday I had an awesome experience spending time with maybe a hundred other yogis participating in two yoga classes. It was so much fun, and the energy was amazing! It’s always fun for me to attend someone else’s class,…
The End of the Journey
It’s been an interesting journey for Jeff’s dad, Joe. In the past two weeks, he has been in the hospital three different times, unable to breathe because of the intense pressure of water around the heart, congestive heart disease. He…
It’s a New Day
I am sitting here thinking of a song we used to sing while I was growing up in the Catholic Schools. I’ll see how much of it I can remember. It’s a new day, Think new thoughts, There’s a new…
Challenging Ourselves to Change
In order to change, one must challenge herself. I have been knocking these words around in my head a lot these days, and you’ve probably heard me say them in yoga classes as well. I have many clients that have…
Last Night’s Meditation
Last night’s meditation was to invite us to meet our Spirit Guides who are working with us at this point in our lives. I met Lizbeth. At first I thought she said Isabelle, and when I repeated the name, I…
Amazing Energy!
Last night, I attended an energy circle at Laurie Wondra’s home. It had been a heavy energy day for me. I was feeling very agitated and out of sorts. Part of this was due to it being February. Part of…
Found this song buried in a new CD I bought. Loving it… You need Adobe Flash Player to view this content. Namaste
Valentine’s Day
Today is the day for thoughts of LOVE. Of course, we scramble to offer a gift of love to our partners. We buy gifts for our kids. We send out cards to those near and dear to us. But what…
Music for Healing
Music therapy… a friend of mine went to college for it back in the 80s. Unfortunately, she could only get a job in nonprofits, in a part time position and the pay was terrible. She didn’t last long. In my…
The Year of the Snake
Yesterday was the Chinese New Year that begins the Year of the Snake. The snake represents a year of hard work. We will all make progress with our goals, but we will follow the same type of path toward our…
Just Another Day
Getting through the February blahs, one day at a time… Happy Friday! You need Adobe Flash Player to view this content.
A Great Circle Last Night!
Last night’s Circle brought Laurie Wondra back so we could talk with our angels, guides, and loved ones. It was such a powerful night, and the energy was so strong! We were all feeling a little sleepy by the end…
Keep on Keeping On
Yesterday I spoke of the seasonal affective disorder that affects so many Minnesotans and Northern Hemisphere residents. At my classes yesterday, I checked in with a couple classes and Facebook friends about this energy, and there was agreement that many…
Seasonal Affective Disorder
This weekend I was thinking about mental illness. Not the chronic cases, but seasonal mental illnesses and stress-induced mental illnesses. For me, I get obsessive when I am stressed. My brain plays the same message over and over again. I…
The Morning Hour Blogs
Namaste, I always write my blogs in the morning hours, as I take my first few sips of coffee. (Hence the spelling and grammar errors that I miss when I edit the first time.) The reason I do this is…
Dancing with Wild Abandon
A few days ago, I had posted a picture on my Facebook page of a girl dancing in front of an almost life-sized painting of a woman dancing. I can’t seem to post the picture, so I will post the…
Experiencing Spiritual Bliss
Boy, this has been an energy rollercoaster week! We see it in our weather, as tempertures plunge, then rise a bit, and then take another plunge. And some of us might notice it in our moods as well. Yesterday was…
A Winter Meditation
Oh, the weather outside is frightful… Hello January in Minnesota. We’ve hardly known you for the past few years. Today is the second day in a row that we have begun the day with below zero temperatures and windchills in…
Retreat Summary
BLISS! The retreat was a day filled with BLISS! From the moment the first women arrived, I could feel the energy of the group, and it was a marvelous collection of Souls mingling around the kitchen, as all women do.…
2013 Possibilities
The end of January is filled with exciting activities for me, and I gotta admit, sometimes the energy is too busy and wakes me up before I am ready to get up. This weekend is our January retreat: It’s All…
Dedication to My Friend, Jill
Today I woke up thinking about coincidences. I’ll be attending the funeral of a friend’s dad this morning. A reminder that life is precious, and that we won’t have our parents around forever. In fact, on this day that my…
Winter in Minnesota
I am reminded during the winter time in Minnesota that there are a few things that need to occur to get through the cold winter months. First, we need to allow our body metabolism to slow down, so we can…
Happy New Year!
Our family is settling into 2013 quite well, and I hope your family is as well. Today I am thankful for a quiet morning. I realize that, when my family is around during the weekends and holidays, I am unable…
Just You and I
Jeff and I celebrate our 27th Anniversary today. This is one of the songs we had playing during our wedding. It still holds true today. You need Adobe Flash Player to view this content. Happy Anniversary and Love You!
Stepping Out Of Character
I have a guilty little secret that I don’t share with too many friends, but I am going to admit it, as part of my personal evolution. I have little patience for people who don’t share the same political beliefs…
bliss (bls) n. 1. Extreme happiness; ecstasy. 2. The ecstasy of salvation; spiritual joy. Bliss is an emotional state that is characterized by perfect happiness (feelings of enjoyment, pleasure, and satisfaction). With a new year, there is a new beginning,…
I AM Remembering
I have moved through the past 36 hours in a rollercoaster of emotions. They range from feeling “normal,” which is my natural happy self, and then all of a sudden great waves of sadness overcome me. I am not suffering…
The Gift
I’ve always been told I have a good imagination. As a child, I could hear everything talk to me. I carried on lengthy conversations with our family dogs. I could hear the trees telling me their history. I shared these…
Sailboat Metaphor
This morning, while reading my daily inspirations, I was reminded of my first sailing experience on Lake Superior. The first of many sailing trips on that beautiful lake, we had been on the sailboat for perhaps a couple hours when…
Peace Breathing
Yesterday, I thought a lot about my teacher friends who returned to school after a difficult weekend of watching the scene at Sandy Hook Elementary unfold. I contacted a few of them during the day, others contacted me, and I…
Channeled 12-12-12 Message
Last night I attended a Circle to hear the message of the significance of 12-12-12 and 12-21-12. I had forgotten to bring my journal, and so I will just note what I remember or how my brain assimilated the information…
Soften the Heart
“As humans, we take turns letting go and being hit. Love softens this process, and peace slows it down, until in the moments that are blessed, we seem to play catch with what we need.” Mark Nepo, The Book of…
We are the Water
“Take a pitcher full of water and set it down in the water – now it has water inside and water outside. We musn’t give it a name, lest silly people start talking again about the body and the soul.”…
Opening Our Hearts
This week in yoga, we are working on opening our Heart chakras. On Tuesday, during one of my classes, I had a revelation. Putting my revelation to paper seems simple enough, but when I said it in class, it was…
Today I practice “being.” I am present in this moment that brings me to my laptop. Later in the morning, I will be present in the company of a friend. Later still, I will be present in my massage. And…
An Attitude of Gratitude
I went to bed last night thinking “an attutide of gratitude.” I dreamt all night about “an attitude of gratitude.” I woke up with “an attitude of gratitiude” on my mind. I guess that is what today’s blog is about.…
Inviting Quiet
There has been a lot of chatter lately. The kind in my head. The chatter that keeps you unsettled and that offers a sort of nervous energy. It leaves doubts in my brain. It sees the short-comings in others. It…
Acts of Kindness
My mind has wandered toward the idea of acts of kindness this week. On Saturday, I will be attending a benefit for a woman I have known for most of my life. On Facebook, there is a page set up…
40th Anniversary
Today marks the 40th anniversary of my dad’s death. While I have no regrets because this is what was meant to be, there were times in my life when I thought, this moment would have been even better with dad…
Mom-Worry Mode
Today I am in my “Mom-worry” mode. The youngest son has had a bad cold since last Friday, and it has caused him to miss work yesterday and now today as well. He has spells during the day when he…
Older now, you find holiness In anything that continues. Naomi Shihab Nye As I read this, I was reminded of another expression I heard often while growing up: With age comes wisdom. Both are very truthful. I laugh often as…
The Drum
This weekend, I joined a group of people in making our own drum. It was a really cool workshop, and I just absolutely love my drum. Each time I walk by it, I give it a little tap, or I…
I remember just after Robbie, my oldest son was born, Jacob Wetterling was kidnapped. Jacob was a boy of about 12 years of age. To this day, he has not been found. My world was shattered. Here I had brought…
A True Honor
Many years ago, over ten I am sure, I was contemplating getting ordained as a minister through a woman who is a great spiritual channel. She was offering about a year’s coursework, and then you would receive your ordination. I…
Visiting the Akashic Records
Yesterday I spent the day with an energetic group of women at an energy retreat hosted by Laurie Wondra. It was a day filled with Spirit. A great way to spend 11-11, as we opened our portals for moving into…
Breathe Through the Tension
Breathe in love. Breathe out love. Just keeping that reminder out there today. Yesterday, tensions were very high, and I woke up this morning feeling that today will be even worse. We are reminded to diffuse the situations we find…
Breathe in love. Breathe out love. Last night in America, we held our presidential elections. The American people decided to re-elect President Obama. Being a Progressive, the moderate Democrat Obama is not my perfect candidate, but Mitt Romney displayed so…
The Busy Bee
We all know that person, or maybe we are that person: involved in many community projects, always stepping forward to chair an event or be the boots on the ground. We admire that person for the community activism, for their…
Healing Energy
My friend, Laurie Wondra, who channels messages from the angels and guides, put out this prayer that was given to her by the masters. It is used to provide heaing for those who are suffering right now. I’ve put the…
You Don’t Own Me
I try to stay away from political topics on Facebook. I treat that place as a place to have fun, re-connect, and be inspired, for the most part. I do have another website that I visit to discuss politics. It…
The Energy of the Full Moon
I was awakened by the energy of the full moon last night. Well, actually, I was awakened by a full bladder, but the energy of the moon kept me awake for a couple hours. My friend, Laurie Wondra, posted this…
Journey Through Life
There are many people struggling right now. Sickness. Death. Loneliness. Fear. Separation. The list goes on. There are many voices crying out the eternal question, “Why?” Today I share my perspective. From my perspective, and for you to understand my…
Learning Our Lessons the Hard Way
As my younger son reached his teenage years, he went through a period of rebelling that we weren’t expecting. And each time we had to sit down to discipline him, he would explain to us, “I guess I have to…
Singing as a Form of Prayer
Yesterday, I was asked by several people to pray for their loved ones. It was just that kind of day. One person’s father was diagnosed with leukemia. Another person’s daughter was driving her horse trailer with three horses right toward…
Releasing Old Energy and Labels
Last night, I attended an energy circle with Laurie Wondra, a very powerful spiritual intuit and teacher. Part of our discussion was the coming “end of world” prophesies and what we thought that might be. No one expects a doom…
Manifesting Love!
I continue being reminded that the Universe is manifesting our greatest desires, and it is very important that we be careful with our thoughts. Strong emotion is coming through right now, and it is really important that we not try…
Does This Path Have Heart?
So many times we are faced with decisions. Do we start a new career? Do we end a stale relationship? Do we move to another city, state, or country? We are never sure if we have made the right decision…
Be Careful What You Ask For…
This morning, I am reminded that the Universe is manifesting our every desire, and we must be careful for what we ask for. I was recently in a pretty intense conversation with another woman who was struggling to FEEL emotion.…
Prayer for Healing
Today we ask for healing for ourselves, our family and friends, our community, our country, and the world. Let it be. You need Adobe Flash Player to view this content.
Those Emotions…
During our Circle on Monday, many emotions were brought to the surface for all of us. For myself, the emotions attached to an issue I had thought I had dealt with pretty well, and so I was surprised, when it…
Telling Our Stories
Last night our Women’s Circle offered some powerful healing for us all. We started off with a healing meditation for ourselves, and then we offered a Kundalini healing for others we had set intentions for. And then it was time…
Rare, Not Perfect
From Mark Nepo’s The Book of Awakening: “We are in moments pure and ageless as light, and with the very next breath, we drop things or bruise the treasures of a lifetime. We need to soothe ourselves, not blame ourselves.…
Forgiveness is a theme that continues to come up, for those of us who like to examine our lives so we can live them to their fullest. I have dealt with most my issues that needed forgiveness throughout the years.…
The political season is upon us, if you aren’t aware through the many ads seen on televeision or the updates on the news. Too many people, unfortunately, are apolitical and will not even vote. Another large group of the population…
Healing Meditation
This week I have been reminded that there is much healing to be done in the world. As our bodies prepare for the next transition of our evolution, many people are having chronic and acute illnesses that are requiring prayer…
This weekend I celebrated my 30th class reunion. I was so nervous about it, and I have no idea why. I have attended all my reunions, and this is only the second one I have not served on the committee.…
I Don’t Want To Be That Person…
I don’t want to be that person… the one that took the easy road because of its convenience, though lacking joy. I don’t want to be that person… the one that wasted so much of her life on drugs and…
World Peace Day
Tomorrow, September 21, is World Peace Day. What would you do for peace in the world? In 2011, my goal was to gather women to figure out a way to bring peace into the world. We determined that protests wouldn’t…
Love. Passion. Compassion.
I remember when Jeff and I were engaged, and, as required by the Catholic Church, we had to attend some sessions with our priest to determine if we were ready for this big step in our lives. He asked us…
There is a Season
This morning I am reminded of the beauty of autumn. As I gaze out my window from the couch, I see the corn plants, nearly orange, ready to be plucked for silage. My flowers are losing their shimmer, and I…
Healing By Telling Our Story
I was reading about the idea of healing by telling our stories, and it made so much sense to me. I was remembering when a friend of mine had lost her husband and another friend lost her son. I remember…
The Moon is a Reflection
This morning, I read a passage about how the moon, in all its magnificence in our nighttime sky, is just reflecting the sun. In other words, its brilliance comes from another source. On it’s own, it appears to be a…
Lean Into Learning
Every time we reach beyond what is familiar, there is that necessary acclimation to what is new. It is the doorway to all learning. We needn’t be afraid of it or give it too much power. We simply need to…
Nature vs. Culture
Are you a child of nature, or are you a child of culture? I was reading The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo, and this is the question he asks. A child of nature is one who does something and…
Walking Our Life Path
Sometimes it is easy to forget that we make our own way in this life. Though we are influenced by others, either directly or indirectly, we walk the path of our life on our own. We CREATE the path. This…
Channeled Message
Listen, children, for your world is making some really big changes now.It’s important to stay centered and balanced during these changes. It is easy to get caught up in the energy of the day, but you must let go of…
In the Spirit of Spur and Strike
Anyone who knows me, knows I look for the deeper meaning to events in the world and in my own personal life. So I have been waiting patiently for the reason why my two dear kitties have come into our…
Many of us are familiar with positive affirmations. We use them as we set upon the course of self-improvement. We use them to set goals for ourselves. We use them to take ourselves out of our current situation and into…
Fear is a powerful emotion, and it keeps us from moving forward. We deal with fear in our lives on a regular basis. We are fearful of not finding love. We are fearful of not finding the right job, the…
Live Your Worries Through
Live, I say, live your worries through and your spirit will wake from it’s fever, and you will want others like soup. ~Mark Nepo I really like this quote from Mark Nepo, as it brings me comfort, as a worrier.…
Setting Pure Intentions
In order to make our dreams come true, we must take action rather than wishing for what we want. ~Daily OM I am planning the next fall retreat for Saturday, September 8, and it is all about bringing abundance into…
No Destination In Mind
The best trips ever are the ones with no destination in mind. When I was a teenager, my friends and I would drive around and try to get lost. We knew we could find our way home, eventually, but our…
Manifesting Our Thoughts
I cannot stop reminding people to watch their thoughts carefully, because we are manifesting our thoughts very rapidly now. What does this mean – manifesting our thoughts? It means that the thoughts we are having are coming true. So if…
Understanding Feelings
Not to feel is to stop the heart from breathing. ~ Mark Nepo Sometimes we get into a funk. Things don’t go our way, and we face disappointment and sadness that life doesn’t resolve itself as we’d like. We wish…
The Day I Found Me
Well, just as Rome was not built in a day, neither did I find myself in one day, but there was a pivotal moment that changed my life and helped me find out who I was. Life is truly hard…
Drumming Circle
Last night I had attended a drumming circle. It had been some time ago that I had attended these, and so it seemed a bit awkward at first for me. I had not brought a drum, and so I hummed…
For us to grow in any way, we must die little deaths. We have to release the old so that new growth can spring forward. I love my flower gardens, and I spend some time in them each week, clearing…
Channeled Message on Changes
Greetings! There is much excitement these days about the Mars Rover that you have sent into space. You exploration of other planets is extraordinary. However we are here to caution the people of your planet. Mars cannot be “owned.” There…
Being Born… Twice
I was reading Mark Nepo’s The Book of Awakening, and he talked about the release of a chick from its egg in a way I had never thought about. There is great significance to that moment for us. A chick…
Channeled Message on the Heart
Today I am going to work on my channeled writing. Let’s see how this goes… You are beautiful. You ALL are beautiful. Why put so much worth into what others might think of your looks? Because you are BEAUTIFUL! You…
Today I am extremely grateful! Yesterday morning, we realized our kitties were both gone. After calling and searching for them for quite a while, I had to leave, with no kitties in sight. Upon my return a couple hours later,…
Full Moon Energy
Tonight is the Full Moon. That means Moon Salutations in tomorrow’s yoga classes! What is the energy of the Full Moon? Are people truly affected by the Full Moon? The short answer is, yes. As I mentioned in a previous…
Compassionate Healing
The Tibetan Buddhist tradition has a meditation practice called tong-len that asks us to breathe in the suffering of the world, to hold it in with compassion, and then to breathe out light. This speaks to the amazing power of…
Girlfriend Day
Yesterday was Girlfriend Day. I was able to spend a few hours with my besties, which was a rare occurance. In fact, I still had a birthday present for one friend that was three months past due. We laughed because…
Signs of Planets Adjusting and Changes Coming
This has been a difficult spring and summer for many people. Migraines are more active. Our body is really feeling the aches and pains from our youth. We are reliving some of our old issues that we thought we had…
Lessons of Simplicity
Last night, I returned home from a long weekend of sailing the Apostle Islands in Bayfield, Wisconsin. While sailing the islands, we spent about an hour at Manitou Island, where there is a fishing camp. The camp has a ranger…
The Energy of the Planets
Last night I attended an energy circle, and the discussion was about the energy of the planets at this time. Though I truly know nothing about the planets, except that during a Mercury Retrograde, we need to slow down and…
Chakras Changing
While meeting last weekend to plan the upcoming retreat, we were discussing the chakras. We talked about the number 7, but then Laurie got the number 11 as being significant. I told her about our changing DNA, and how our…
This weekend I met with a couple women to plan a retreat for this November in Playa del Carmen. I am so excited! The retreat plans are unfolding right now, but it promises to be a wonderfully life changing event.…
Letting the Dust Settle
So I mentioned over the past couple days that I am working through releasing expectations. My anxiousness is finally settling down, as the dust begins to settle and I discover love underneath that anxiety. In the outdoor yoga classes, with…
Giving Up a Part of Our Being
Have you ever given up a part of your being to please someone? Oftentimes, this occurs with the people we love. Who else would we literally give up part of ourselves for, after all? There have been times in my…
Releasing Expectations
Today I was reminded, once again, that my expectations may not match others’ expectations, nor should I expect them to match up. This has been a huge part of my life lesson. As a young child, I placed expectations on…
Our Mirrored Self
Who sees all beings in his own Self, And his own Self in all beings, Loses all fear. The Isa Upanishad I was reading a passage about feeling the intrusion of others in our lives. You know, the feeling of…
Moments, Not Words
In Mark Nepo’s The Book of Awakening, he speaks of the people who taught us to love, and he reminds us it was the moments, and not the necessarily the words, that made us feel love. I am reminded of…
Fix It? Or Live It?
Yesterday, we acknowledged that we are not responsible for “changing” others. True change for any person comes from their own making, with a real desire to be the change. And so we agree that we can only change ourselves. And…
Changing Others
As a mother of adult children, I am guilty of wanting them to turn out just the way I want them to. I want them to get into a great career, meet a girl, fall in love, get married, buy…
What Is Really “Mine?”
How many times do we refer to our loved ones as “mine?” “My” boys, “my” husband, “my” mom… All of these references, as though we actually own them! Buddhism teaches us that it is poisonous to try to own another…
Dealing with Old Issues
We are going through some interesting energy these last few weeks, and it looks like it will be staying with us for awhile. In this energy, we are now being pushed to release any old issues that we have. For…
Me, Without Labels
I’ve always had grandiose dreams of someday being famous. Truly. Ever since I was very young. Not in the “woman cuts off her hand in a meat grinder” or “woman goes on a shooting spree and kills 100 people” sense,…
Lifting Energy
Yesterday, I was lying down during an acupuncture treatment when all of a sudden I felt a sense of elation come over me. It was followed by a spell of feeling “dizzy,” which is the term I describe when I…
After the women’s circle on Monday evening, Laurie Wondra, our guest of honor, offered me some sage for welcoming her into my home. I have used sage before, and I have been around the use of the herb for much…
Women’s Circle
Last night we held a women’s circle at JSC. Our invited guest was Laurie Wondra, a very talented channel of angels, light beings, and others who have passed over to the other side. It was a wonderful evening, and I…
Does God Serve Our Purpose Anymore?
Last night, I was watching a talk show in which they brought on a Quantum Physics scientist who asserted that, with the science out there, we don’t need to believe in God anymore. After all, science gets closer and closer…
Summer Solstice Energy
Yesterday’s energy was very intense. The storms had been leading up to it for the past few days, and it finally came to its resolution last night. We are currently working through old energy. Any old issues that haven’t been…
A Wider Horizon
The eyes experience less stress When they can look upon a wider horizon. R.D. Chin Sometimes I catch myself perseverating on a thought or problem which I can’t let it go. I may be worrying about one of my kids,…
Last night, we awoke around 4:00AM to a very powerful storm. The lightning continued on, one strike after another, with no breaks. It was amazing and yet scary at the same time. Our plants love lightning. It offers the ground…
Old Emotions
This weekend was a wonderful gathering of extended family, with much reminiscing and laughter and some tears as well. We stayed near some of the family homesteads and so we got to see them all these years later. Our aunt…
This Planet Stuff…
I am always fascinated by the influence of the planets’ alignment with regard to the energy around the Earth. I have a couple friends who post information regarding these energetic shifts, and it astounds me how accurate these readings can…
Today starts the new summer session of yoga! It is always so fun to take our yoga practice outdoors. To be in the Earth elements is very calming. Listening to the birds chirp, feeling a breeze on our bodies, smelling…
Creating Peace
The conversation of creating world peace comes up often in the groups of people I hang out with. Last year, a group of us met to discuss our ideas of world peace. We came to the conclusion that our endeavors…
We Are Broken
“Only when the broken are healed, no matter what they have done, will we as a people heal.” Mark Nepo Mark Nepo used the example of Ghandi during a hunger strike, when asked by one of the warring leaders to…
I have fallen into a trap of overthinking these days. It has affected both my sleep as well as my hot flashes. It has been triggered by a simple change in my daily schedule and exacerbated by another discovery which…
Being Our Authentic Selves
So often we are reminded, while practicing yoga, to listen to our bodies and pay attention to what is going on within and adjust our poses to meet our needs for that day. That is good advice for off the…
Why Do You LIKE Yoga?
Over the weekend, I was with a group of some very good friends whom I have cherished for 25 years now. In the group of 11 women, only one of them has practiced yoga, and she has made some changes…
Honest friends are the doorways to our souls, and loving friends are the grasses that soften the world. It is no mistake that the German root of the word friendship means “places of high safety.” Mark Nepo Last night, after…
Intellect vs Intuitiveness
We all need to touch down with the source of life, again and again, in order to brighten enough to continue. Whether we make our way by playing or listening to music, my meditating, by painting, or loving, or reading…
Our Garden of Life
This is my favorite time of the year! (Well, to be honest, I say that in the fall as well, but I really do enjoy this time of the year, a lot!) This is the time of year when I…
Changing Ourselves
This past week, I have spent a lot of time thinking about change and transformation on the mat. I want to keep challenging my clients to take their practice to the next level. To try “just this.” This morning, I…
The dream is awakened when thinking I love you, and life begins when saying I love you, and joy moves like blood when embracing someone with love. Mark Nepo This year, I adopted a theme for my business: JOY! I…
Walking a Labyrinth
Last night’s Women’s Circle was at the Glendale Methodist Church in Savage. They have an outdoor labyrinth that is available for public use. (I was told this by the church secretary, so it is confirmed that anyone can use it.)…
Never Give Up
Every once in awhile, I come across a picture, film, or video that inspires me to tears. Last night a friend asked me to watch a video she had posted on her Facebook page. It moved me to tears. Sometimes…
Life Isn’t Fair, So What?
When I was growing up with a twin brother, we kept tabs on fairness. Whose piece of dessert was bigger? Who got to stay out later? Who went to more sleepovers? And so on… we kept track. This was enforced…
Super Moon Energy
I’m ready for this Super Moon energy to be gone. I don’t really understand HOW it works, but I can feel the pull of the Moon energy when I am trying to sleep. The Moon is the closest it can…
Our Daily Schedules
When I was teaching elementary school, I lived by the clock. I still vividly remember my schedule. Up at 6:15 and showered. Kids up and ready for school. Breakfast. Out the door we all went. Spend the next 9-10 hours…
A Leap of Faith in Yoga
Last night, I introduced a new pose in my advanced yoga class. I knew the ladies had all the prelimnary skills to achieve this pose. Their arms were strong from many sun salutations. We had spent a quite a bit…
The Leap of Faith
*I apologize for no blog yesterday. The website was very slow and did not allow me access at the time I had set aside for blogging. At one time or another, we all have to take a leap of faith.…
Attention to Our Bodies
In yoga the past three weeks, we have been working with our lower three chakras. Each week, we move up the chakra channel, and so we have 4 more weeks of chakra work ahead of us, and a week of…
Losing Control
Last night I went to an energy circle. There is a lot of energy movement going on right now, and many of us are feeling pulled into negative energy. Our thoughts have a hard time staying in the positive. We…
The Spirit of a Memory
“Memories are not images of loved ones returning to us. They are the spirits of loved ones visiting us.” The Book of Awakening I once had someone close to me share an experience so personal and so intense, he had…
The Blessings of Sages and Us Regular Folk
Yesterday, I was driving down the road, and there was a dead bird on the side of the road. As always, I said a prayer for the bird. My prayer for dead animals goes something like this: “Bless you, [bird],…
Our Relationships
In the movie, Jerry MacGuire, most of us (women) got all teary-eyed when Jerry says to his love interest, “You complete me.” What a beautiful sentiment, that another person is not whole without their lifelong companion. And I even used…
The Metaphorical Half Full Glass of Water
I am reading Breakfast with Buddha right now. It’s about a man traveling across the northeast of the US with a Buddhist monk. The man is your orthodox Christian who doesn’t particularly want to be sharing this car ride with…
Getting Into a Funk
It happens. We’re on top of the world, everything is going our way, and then we wake up one day and feel a bit “off.” We can’t quite put our finger on it, but we are definitely not in our…
Flow Through Life
Reading today’s daily inspiration, I came across this: “But watching the winter water of a stream begin to flow and thaw, over and over, I finally saw that to make it through the pain, I had to be more like…
Taking Risks
I’ve always been a bit of a thrill-seeker. I remember, vividly, jet skiing with my now-husband when I was 19 years old. It was perhaps my second time on a jet ski, and I was eager to show off and…
Walking Meditations
I am thinking about leading the next Women’s Circle on a walking meditation. There are three kinds of walking meditations that I have participated in. The first is just a general walking, usually in an inspiring location like a nature…
I Am Remembering Who I AM
On Friday, during our retreat, we had Lyndale come and offer us the most exquisite deep muscle massages. I prefer a lighter massage with more smoothing motions, but I looked forward to a deep muscle massage as something different. Deep muscle…
Acceptance is a term that carries so many different interpretations. It is a powerful lesson for me. In our second women’s circle in Jamaica, we worked with our “shadow self.” Our shadow self is that personality part of ourselves that…
This Place Called Heaven
On Monday in Jamaica, we encountered a rain storm. And it was a storm! We had been at the beach, watching the storm roll in during the afternoon. We decided we should probably cut our time at the beach a…
You Complete Me
While meditating during our first day in Jamaica, I was noticing the birds. They were actually adding a distraction, which we would notice throughout our trip. A great challenge for us as we practice our meditation concentration! I was thinking…
The Food in Jamaica
I need to dedicate one entire blog to the wonderful food we ate in Jamaica! Most of our meals were vegetarian, but when Alex learned that none of us were vegans, she also prepared foods with chicken and fish. Our…
Women’s Circles in Jamaica
I decided to make women’s circles a part of our Jamaican adventure. I knew that it would offer an opportunity to get to know each other, while also providing some time for Soul-searching, which is part of what a retreat…
The Healing Power of Sun and Salt Water
When I left Minnesota for Jamaica, I was healing my lower back. The healing process was at about 80% healed, but I could still feel tenderness when sitting for awhile, and my first forward folds always pulled in my lower…
Yoga and Meditation in Jamaica
The common thread that linked this group of women was yoga. Each of us had practiced yoga regularly, but most had a practice of once or twice a week. One was a lapsed yogini, with life situations that kept her…
The Best First Impression of Jamaica!
So my first blog addressed the security of Jamaica. Prior to our trip, and even in my classes back today, I had several people ask me if we felt safe there. I needed to address that big elephant in the…
Sharing Jamaica
There is so much to digest from our week in Jamaica, some of it can be shared, some of it stays on the island. But I feel the need to write about our blessed Jamaican Retreat. This first blog is…
The Flow of Life
How can you follow the course of your life If you do not let it flow? Lao-Tzu If you’ve been around me lately, you know I have been dealing with an aggravated back pain. My brothers and sisters and I…
Springtime’s Small Miracles
I returned from a short trip to Vegas to discover that springtime has already dawned in Minnesota. I will admit that it was coming, early, before we left on our trip, but since we have been gone, all the lakes…
What About the Children?
In our understanding about the need for our bodies to adjust to the new, higher dimensions, as painful as that can be, it is expected that there be much concern for the children and babies. What will happen to them?…
Why Must We Change?
That’s a very good question, and it comes down to our belief system. If we believe that there is more to this life on Earth than just a cosmic coincidence, then we might also accept that we have a purpose…
More on the 2012 Energy
I mentioned yesterday about the newer, higher vibrating energy of 2012. Let me explain this more. We are aware of our physical bodies, and we know they reside in the third dimension. But we are also aware of higher vibrating…
What’s Going On?
Yeah, it’s better, but it’s not healed. My back, that is. Sigh… Some interesting insights that I have observed but that need to be explored even more: My chiropractor said that this past week was his busiest with back injuries.…
Being Humble
Time for me to reflect on being humble. Two days ago, I re-injured my back which I had injured a couple weeks ago. Back injuries and I have a long history. My family claims it is a trait we inherited…
Limiting Our Relationships
In my thirties, I was struggling with some issues that I didn’t have a good grip on and decided to see a therapist. She underscored the issue right away. In my quest to create the perfect world for me and…
The Money Will Follow
The Law of Attraction was a big discussion piece a few years ago. Everyone rushed out to see The Secret and find out what was holding them back from their greatest potential. I actually didn’t see or read The Secret…
See the World
People who know me, know I love to travel. I have been fortunate to have traveled several times to Europe, and Jeff and I often take a trip to Mexico or an island in the winter time. But I wasn’t…
Stretch and Strength
In yoga, we often move into poses and observe how, as one side of the body stretches in a pose, the other side of the body strengthens. So, while we sit in our one legged forward fold, we feel the…
The Eyes of God
Have you ever looked into a person’s eyes and thought you had looked into the eyes of God? I have had this experience a few times. The most assured place to find God by looking into someone’s eyes is to…
Ice Day
We dodged the bullet by not getting a foot of snow, but it apprears the world has decided to shut down anyhow. Ice. As I write this, I see a cop car with it’s lights on, going down the side…
Stop Talking, Stop Thinking
Stop talking, stop thinking And there is nothing you will not understand Seng-Ts’an Perhaps the biggest lesson we can learn in life is to stop talking and listen to what the other person has to say. Stop forming an opinion…
Urgent Time
In some of my discussion groups with other women, we talk about the swiftness of time. Time moves so quickly, it is often said by the older generations. After all, when we were kids, our days dragged on forever. But today,…
You Need Faith to Find Your Truth
Many of us will seek and find a fulfilling life without faith. We build a confidence in ourselves, which is necessary when we meet obsticles along our path. We need to be able to move forward through the obstacles and…
Our Experiences Define Us
“If I had experienced different things I would have different things to say.” Mark Nepo Boy, doesn’t that ring true for us all? We are defined by our actions as well as the actions of those around us. Some of…
Living In Our Truth
I recall many years ago, I attended a private channeling session. It was my first session, and I was both excited and nervous about the outcome. After my loved ones from the other side had connected with me, and I…
Letting Go to a Higher Power
Last night I did something that I often avoid because it is so painful: I went onto the Caring Bridge website to check up on the health of our friends who are suffering. It was a tearful 45 minutes, as…
For the past week, I have opened the bathroom drawer that holds our toothpastes, deodorants, clippers, etc., and been extremely annoyed. My husband, while caring for a wound by wrapping it in a little bit of cotton and a bandaid,…
Spiritual Warriors
I was reading my daily devotional this morning, and today’s subject is Spiritual Warriors. Spiritual warriors are those that have had their hearts broken: by break-ups, death, illness, disappointments, failures, expectations of others, and so on. Spiritual warriors have had…
Valentine’s Day
Today is Valentine’s Day and the subject of love ties into this day. We fall in love. We grow into love. We experience love at first sight. We love our material objects. But the greatest love of all, is the…