Music therapy… a friend of mine went to college for it back in the 80s. Unfortunately, she could only get a job in nonprofits, in a part time position and the pay was terrible. She didn’t last long.
In my yoga training, we spent a few hours in discussion about the healing qualities of music. I learned that every tone matches with a chakra, and that chakra represents a body part and a state of mind. So if you are healing a particular part of the body, you would play a song that is in that specific key.
In January’s All About Me retreat, I learned that the didgeridoo is an Australian aborigines insturment, possibly the oldest known insturment, that is used for healing as well. As we meditated to the music, I could feel the various chakras being affected.
And last week, at the February Women’s Circle, Laurie Wondra channeled through Archangel Raphael that we can use music for healing in the coming year.
I had been mostly turning the music off lately, not because I don’t care for it. I grew up with music playing, and my dad was in two bands. We sang at our house all the time. I turned if off because I had been using that time when I usually listen to music to talk with God or the Angels, to pray for healing for myself or others. I also have noticed, and I don’t know if it is just my getting older, but sometimes I can’t hear music in the correct tone that is being played. It sounds off for me. I have no idea why that is, because usually into the song a few frames, I can pick up the tone. I have wondered about this but am not sure why it is so. I have my suspicions.
So this year, I am going to add music to my normally quiet time, as a form of healing. I will be exploring my notes to find out what songs are good for which areas of healing. I will share that information at the March Women’s Circle.