Every once in awhile, I come across a picture, film, or video that inspires me to tears. Last night a friend asked me to watch a video she had posted on her Facebook page. It moved me to tears.
Sometimes we get stuck in a rut in our workout routine. It seems that, no matter what we do, we stop seeing the results we saw when we first started the routine. We need to re-evaluate what we are doing. We need to change things up a bit. That’s why Jill Sand Consulting offers not only regular yoga classes, but advanced classes, meditation yoga classes, 108 sun salutations classes, and now this summer, 5 Tibetan Rites. Just like you, I need to change up my routine so I don’t get bored or stuck in a rut with one routine.
Each time you come to yoga, I try to offer a new experience, even in the regular classes. I offer you ways to challenge yourself to the next level. So my question for you is, are you finding your challenge? When we offer ourselves a hug at the end of class, reflecting on our practice, I say, “We challenged ourselves where we needed the challenge.” Can you think of one or more ways that you challenged yourself on the mat that day?
Every person I bring yoga to is able-bodied. Sure, we all have our areas where we are healing. Areas where we will never get a full range of motion. And of course, our age might limit us in some ways too. (But I really don’t believe that – we have all seen the 92 year old yoga teacher and the 94 year old woman doing yoga in her home. Neither of those ladies were limited in their daily yoga practice.) But we are able-bodied.
This video reminds us of the importance of yoga, but it also reminds us we must do the work. If we fall, we must get back up. We must practice, practice, practice. We must challenge ourselves. Yoga is so much more than a workout, though that is how it starts out for most of us. But the more we do it, the more a part of our life it becomes.
Some of the women who came to the retreat with me in March now practice yoga daily. They realized 1) they CAN do it, and 2) they crave it each day when they miss it. When we take our yoga practice into our daily life, we see a transformation in all areas of our lives: body, mind and Spirit.
Are you ready to transform yourself?