Yesterday I wrote my blog on worrying. I reminded myself of my mantra, “It is what it is. Let go.” And so I did. If the worrying thoughts came to me, I just let them go. But I had put my issues, my worries, out to the Universe and asked for solution. And I was answered in that same faith. I was worried about not getting enough people to attend the Jamaica Retreat. Even though I have enough people going, I am really wanting to have about 8-10 participants. I have been stuck at four for the past month, and I was starting to get nervous, though the truth is that more will sign up since there is still time. And yesterday, I heard from our next participant, and I am so thrilled to have another person join us! Her yoga background is similar to the other participants, so I think she will really enjoy this retreat. And it is always a pleasure to surround yourself with women, so the Circles and workshop will be excellent for getting to know one another.
Another equally exciting event happened yesterday. Another part of my worry was being able to help my boys out during these college years, but feeling a bit tapped financially right now, as well as wanting to travel more myself. There has been some guilt in my heart because I know traveling costs money, and I know that the boys occasionally need money to get by. We had recently purchased a new car, tarred the driveway, took a trip to Great Britain, blah blah blah, and the savings account had suffered.
So after a visit with my Mom and Clarence yesterday, I was driving home and thinking, I wish I could travel more. I’d like to be able to go on 2-3 trips a year. I just love getting out and seeing new sites. So I put the thought out to the Universe, with the same thought of being financially tapped right now.
Soon after Jeff got home from work, he handed me a piece of paper. It explained that his company had earned a trip to Las Vegas through a group he buys materials from. We have traveled with this group before. Jeff’s boss had originally told him that he doesn’t give out those trips the company earns, but now that the company has done so well, he actually is sending us, along with two office people, on the trip! Free of charge!
It looks like I will be getting another trip, after all!
The point for sharing these two stories is that we are in a powerful manifesting time right now. This window off opportunity closes soon, in a couple days, actually. That doesn’t mean that we can’t still manifest, but that the speed of manifestation may not seem as coincidental as this past few months.
Manifesting is a double-edged sword. When we manifest our thoughts, we manifest both the positive AND the negative thoughts. So we are reminded to keep our thoughts positive. Send out our wished to the Universe, but expect the return to be just what we are asking for.
Be JOYFUL, and your life will be filled with joy.