While meditating during our first day in Jamaica, I was noticing the birds. They were actually adding a distraction, which we would notice throughout our trip. A great challenge for us as we practice our meditation concentration!
I was thinking at first that the birds added competition to the music during our yoga practice, but then I changed my mind. The birds actually complimented our music. They provided the background music for our yoga music. This made me think about our being on the mat. Yoga is not about competiton. It is about complimenting one another. On the mat, we practice being singular, tuning out others’ practice so we can stay in our own practice. But an observer watching us would see the synchronicity of our movements, even if we are all practicing at different levels. So we each bring our own “me” into class, and that joining of each “me” forms a group of connected individuals.
From a spiritual perspective, that connection goes much deeper. Though we walk the planet as individuals, there is a connection among us. There is a movement that we all follow, like the movements on our mat. That movement is in faith. Though we may each follow a different faith, the common bond for all of us is the Highest Being. God.
We are a compliment to one another. A cherished gift. A sense of wholeness. Without others, we are not whole.
You complete me.