Today I spent some time in my gardens, for my Peace Garden Meditation. Anyone is welcome to join me! I end up using the time to pick weeds and let my thoughts flow freely. Because I have dedicated this time to a peace meditation, I asked that my thoughts be directed toward people needing peace in their lives today.
I sent peace to the relative recovering in the hospital from hip surgery. He is not experiencing any peace right now, as he is suffering so much pain, and the pain medication they are giving him is causing adverse reactions to his body and mind. Peace to you.
I sent peace to the friend’s sibling who is not feeling peaceful as the final legs of a divorce settlement are being played out unfairly. May you find peace as this finalizes.
I sent peace to the one who works so hard, he forgets to make a living, and to his wife, who must try to bring balance to his life. May you find peace in just being.
I sent peace to my doggy friends who suffer from anxiety and old age. May they find peace in the dog’s life of wondering where their next nap will take place.
I sent peace to the flowers in my gardens, knowing that they are the beauty among the weeds and they will stand taller, for all to see. Their beauty offers the rest of us peace.
I sent peace to all the kids going back to school, into new lives of work, and all the changes that come with the fall. May they transition peacefully from what they know to their next adventure.
Finally, I send peace to you, my reader, who was drawn to this blog, looking for a peaceful reminder. May you stop and enjoy the beauty of the day, finding peace in your surroundings.
Shanti (Peace)!